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ULX web system (Remote bans/list current bans) - BETA v1.3

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ULX web system - BETA V1.3
V1.3 Released!Download it here: www.bans.ulyssesmod.net


* Shows a list of all banned players.
* Shows when a banned player was banned.
* NEW:Shows players ban length.
* NEW:Show current status of players ban.
* Administrator login.
* 2 permission levels for admins.
* Remote ban via the web system
* Remote unban via the web system
* NEW:Level two admins can now run custom server commands.
Please note: The video is old and information may be wrong or misleading however i will not remove the video as it may still be helpful.
YouTube video on how to install and use the system.(i was in a rush to make it so please forgive the rambling)

Default user:
username: admin
password: password

Once your logged in you need to create your self a new user and set it to permission level 2 so you can access the web panel and then delete the default admin user to prevent other people accessing your web bans.

Change log:

--- Code: ---1.3 BETA:
Added search ability
Added drop down box with full ban information
Change the way bans where displayed
CSS validated
Improved look

1.2 BETA:
Added ability for admins to run server commands that are not ban related.
Added ban length.
Added ban status.
Fixed oversight that stopped remote bans from working.
General code improvements and i've tried to tidy it up abit.
Included debugging code in update.php.
Minor bug fixes.
Removed unban date.
Tried to improve overal apearance of the susytem(I feel like i failed xD)

1.1 BETA:
Fixed console bans not showing correctly.
included tabes.sql to download.

1.0 BETA:
Initial release.

--- End code ---

Please post any ideas or suggestions you may have.

Good to see that you released it! Glad that you saw the project through. :)

so uh, how do i use the right ip?


--- Quote from: blackfire88 on July 25, 2011, 05:06:22 AM ---so uh, how do i use the right ip?

--- End quote ---

take my servers ip for example the full address is:

the IP is this part
and the port is

so in the config it looks like this:
$server_ip = '';
$server_port = '27415';

Stickly Man!:
Looks very nice! I'm sure many people will find it useful  ;D


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