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ULX web system (Remote bans/list current bans) - BETA v1.3

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I've never used this, nor know how often/if the author even visits anymore.
However, take a look at this regarding bans path - http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5347.msg24015.html#msg24015
and This regarding permissions - http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,5347.msg24285.html#msg24285
Hope it helps.

Both no go. ULX Web is able to login to the gameserver FTP and cd to ULib, but then nothing. Adding or removing preceding and trailing slash doesn't do anything.

Permissions is moot, the gameserver is running on a windows host and so there is no xxx permissions like on Unix-like systems.

I'm sure the directory for ULib data is correct, the FTP cage of my host has the folder up from garrysmod as the root (i.e. hl2, episodic, cstrike, tf, etc).

Perhaps I'll just devise a script to mirror the bans.txt from the gameserver to the ulxweb root on the webserver, because that seemed to work when I did it manually.

EDIT: Nope, nothing is working. Maybe it's some kind of filesystem incompatibility with the two OSs. I did notice that ftp_size worked, it returned "int(6046)" which is the size in bytes. It's just that ftp_get and ftp_nlist are derping.

Thanks anyway I guess.

edit: Post no longer relevent

Found it. FTP needed to be in passive mode.

Like so:

--- Code: ---      unlink('bans.txt');
      ftp_pasv($conn, true);
      echo '<center><h1 class="update">Bans updated!</h1><br /><h2 class="update">You will now be redirected to the previous page.</h2></center>';

--- End code ---

ThatBum, thanks for reporting that. Though russy may not be developing as much, your report may help others.

My guess is that it would vary depending on the hosts (and client side) NAT and Firewall settings.


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