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UDodge v1.0 -- Fire combine balls at passersby!

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Download: http://ulyssesmod.net/archive/udodge-v1_0.zip
Download Stickly Man's Advanced Duplicator course: http://ulyssesmod.net/archive/udodge_fort_final_turretsv1.txt
Video of UDodge in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w93qoN0dPBA#

UDodge allows you to set up "pylons" that fire combine balls at players near it. The pylon tries to predict where the player will be in the future in order to hit them (using velocity only, not acceleration).

The pylon is fully configurable! Options include:

* Rate of fire - How often the pylon will shoot on average
* Randomize rate of fire - How close each firing will be to rate of fire on a Gaussian distribution. This number is the standard deviation. Using this distribution makes the pylons feel "natural", as if a player were shooting the combine balls. Set to 0 to disable
* Search radius - How far away a pylon will be able to "see" players (does trace checks too)
* Combine ball speed - How many units per second the combine balls will travel
* Combine ball lifetime - How long the combine ball will last
* Target closest player - If disabled, targeting is random among all valid targets
Instructions on using the advanced duplicator save:

* Start a server on gm_construct
* Set prop limit to at least 505 (sbox_maxprops)
* Set pylon limit to at least 39 (sbox_maxpylons, can use XGUI for this!)
* Use the color tool to change the color of the white room to black
* Spawn the course's adv duplicator save at original location, original angles, frozen, and without constraints
* Disable limits, tools, physgun, noclip, godmode, etc. as you see fit, URS works well for this
* Run like mad. Reach the hula doll to win!
Have you beat the course? We'd like to hear how long it took you!  :)

Awesome release. Loved dying 15 millions times in beta testing.

Though, that course, having a video of at least one person making it all the way to the end might be a bit more encouraging for its downloaders.

It's hard to film something that hasn't happened... :P

That looks fun. Wish I had a computer to play it on.

bah! I wish I could have stayed long enough to make it in the video  :P


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