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ULX Zombify (Turn Players Into Zombies)



WARNING: This is a beta release, if you get any problems please tell me.

Ever wanted to be a zombie master well now you can, just use this command "!zombify <playername>" to turn a player into a zombie NPC.

I know I did not edit this in a while but I will get back to it as soon as I get the UPS_Menu done.


1. When a person is turned into a zombie they are put in a sort of free roaming camera
(Note: If any one knows a good camera mode for a first person or even a third person view please contact me.)

2. The zombie can not be killed depending on what prop protection you are using.
(Note: I hope that setting the owner of the zombie will fix this problem. It would be nice if any one could kill the zombie regardless of prop protection.)


1. The player who used the Zombify command will be able to control the zombies that he created.
(Note: May be I will make some separate commands for this.)

2. I am thinking of adding an SNPC, that is sometimes created with this command.
(Note: I said some times because the command turns the target into a random zombie)

How to install: Extract the zip file and drag and drop the extracted folder into '...\Steam\steamapps\<your login name>\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons'

(Note: This is my very first release. Oh and you need to be logged in to download.)

This sounds awesome! I will be adding it to my server as soon as I can.  ;D

Great stuff. :)

I kinda dropped this, but I am thinking of picking it up again, after I finish my tic-tac-toe game in a language called Turing.

Any way, I have no idea, when it comes to NPC controll, and I see no point in asking for help on facepunch, because knowing them, I will get no help any way...

So lets get to the point, I need help with this...

The player who used the Zombify command will be able to control the zombies that he created.
(Note: May be I will make some separate commands for this.)

Huh, never realized there was a language called Turing. Seems easily confused with Turing complete languages? Anyways, I digress...

As far as control of zombies, you'd need to look at the NPC class combined with a movement hook.


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