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ULX v3.52 -- Tater

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"The Potato dun turned into a tater!"
Don't hurt me... I still have too much I want to see before I die.

We've got a slew of fixes and a few minor enhancements in this release that we hope you all will enjoy!

We recommend that you remove the old ULX and ULib folders from garrysmod/addons before installing these new versions. Don't worry, your settings, users, groups, and bans will be preserved.

--- Quote from: ULX Changelog ---v3.52 - *(09/22/11)*
   * [ADD] Support for "time strings" in ulx ban and ulx banid. EG, "5w4d3h2" would ban for 5 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes (Thanks lavacano201014).
   * [ADD] XGUI: New customization options-- You can now change XGUI's position and the open/close animations.
   * [ADD] XGUI: Double-click a player on the commands tab to execute the command with the parameters on the right.
   * [ADD] XLIB: Additional layout for xlib.makecolorpicker with alphabar.
   * [FIX] No longer able to make a player invincible by freezing then mauling.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Selected svsetting/clsetting modules no longer close when XGUI modules get reprocessed.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Error caused when a bans unban time was changed, causing the ban to expire.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Adding details to SBans would throw an error on server, wouldn't refresh on clients properly.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Expired bans were not removing themselves from the client lists.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Somehow managed to duplicate the entire bans module code within the same file. X|
   * [FIX] XGUI: Rare error causing votemap settings to not load properly (which was previously fixable after a mapchange)
   * [FIX] XGUI: Non-harmful Lua error occuring during data transfer when running XGUI on a non-sandbox game mode. (Thanks Synergy Connections!)
   * [FIX] XGUI: The button for scrolling through tab names of settings modules (if there were too many) was being obscured by the close button. (Thanks [eVo]Lead4u!)
   * [FIX] XGUI: UTeam information would be lost when changing UTeam settings on non sandbox-derived gamemodes
   * [FIX] XGUI: DNumberWangs on color panels being extra long (due to garry update?)
   * [FIX] XGUI: ULib team data not sent after making changes to teams.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Users in the groups tab were not being updated when a group was removed and users in that group were moved to a new group.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Issue where a group's team wasn't getting unassigned when the unassigned team had no more groups associated with it.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Players' UTeam parameters update properly when their group is changed by addons that call ULib's addUser/removeUser functions directly.
   * [FIX] XGUI: In the groups menu, when selecting a player and clicking "change", the list of groups was not in inherited-based order.
   * [FIX] XGUI: Users table was pointlessly being sent when a groups inheritance was changed.
   * [CHANGE] "ulx gag" uses a slightly more robust method of gagging now.
   * [CHANGE] Using file.Append for logging now that it's available to us.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: "XGUI module" is now the "Clientside Settings Module", which contains the XGUI settings.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: Optimized sending of ULib users data-- Only sends the data when it needs to (no longer on UCLChanged), and when changed, only sends the updated info.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: Optimized client-side processing of users data, how often it updated, and lowered priority of users data processing.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: Added a data chunksize to users to help alleviate some major lag issues on servers with large users lists.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: The Groups module shows some useful stuff in the event that it wasn't able to grab data from the server.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: Modifying UTeam settings is now disabled on non sandbox-derived gamemodes.
   * [CHANGE] XGUI: Serverside xgui.removeData much more more robust.
   * [REMOVE] XGUI: xgui_oldcheck.lua (No longer checks for a pre-svn version of XGUI installed.)
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: ULib Changelog ---v2.41 - *(09/22/11)*
   * [ADD] ULib.ucl.getUserRegisteredID.
   * [ADD] ULib.stringTimeToSeconds (Thanks lavacano201014).
   * [FIX] Now properly kicks users who are banned while joining (Thanks Willdy).
--- End quote ---

Remove even if we use svn ?? :o

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if you use SVN you shouldn't need to update to the most recent "Release Build".

Developers who use SVN for collaboration will take a stable complete build from their SVN and package it for release.

Mr. President has the right of it. If you're using SVN, you have the exact same set of files that's in the release right now. SVN would've automatically cleaned out the file we removed between the releases.

Ok cool, I thought that's what should happen with SVN, just checkin!
I was actually unaware of releases outside of the SVN -- who DOES that?? SVN is king  ;D


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