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Advanced Cleanup! (Includes Chat Commands.)

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Advanced Cleanup


I have found that some times I only wanted to cleanup a specific prop rather then a specific player, but I could not find a prop protection that does that.
So I made this.


--- Quote from: Completed Updates ---1. The Next Update Will Include: A menu that can be brought up quickly and easily! (In the Developer version.)
? In addition to the next update:This will no longer require you to replace any files, and will be accessible through a console command or chat command.

2. Surprise: Some chat commands have been added, including RynO-SauruS's decal cleanup command. (!nolag [Freeze props.], !clnup [Cleanup.], !dcals [Clear Decals.], !ups [Bring up the menu.])

3. Some minor errors have been fixed. The menu now shows up, and the ULib.tsay no longer spams.

4. No longer uses ULib.tsay

5. No longer depends on ULX, the console command is hf_clnstr (However having ULX gives you some pluses.)

6. Added the ability to use the command through console.

7. Added a map cleanup ("hf_clnstr *"). ( the !clnup chat commands can still be used but only if you have ULX. )

--- End quote ---


Use this SVN link to download https://github.com/KioFox/GLua-Projects.git/trunk/ULX-Cleanup

The SVN link is non-brows-able and will give you a 404 if you try to go to it in your browser.

Need help with SVN? No problem there is an excellent post here on the forums that can help you out.


Please Use The SVN Link To Download: https://github.com/KioFox/GLua-Projects.git/trunk/ULX-Cleanup

Did the new ulx update break this? I can't seem to get it working...


--- Quote from: strategos on October 02, 2011, 10:33:40 PM ---Did the new ulx update break this? I can't seem to get it working...

--- End quote ---

Hmm, must have broken it, because it worked, when I was testing it. If you have a server I can join you and see whats up.

Also I would like to know how your installing it, because you do need the original UPS, and you take my file and overwrite the file in UPS.

Then you put the add-on in.

[EDIT-JamminR] - Corrected "URS" to "UPS"
[EDIT-HeLLFox_15] - I don't remember fixing it so did you fix it for me? If you did thanks.


I'm installing it into addons and yes I am overwriting. I am also using URS if that makes a difference.


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