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Advanced Cleanup! (Includes Chat Commands.)
Dig a little deeper (up the url chain)
Doing so, I found it.
Specifically, it's been moved to https://pnhscripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/hellfox/ups_menu/
--- Quote from: thegtz on June 17, 2012, 11:21:48 PM ---SVN link is not working.
--- End quote ---
( Sorry every one I moved it and forgot to update the links here that's why it was broken before. :-[ )
I updated the links they should work now.
Well it's working for me, are you sure you've got Tortoise SVN?
Hello again every one, this should work for Garrysmod 13, how ever there is a 200% chance. That the menu still does not work, sorry about that... but that really does not matter because as long as the command it self works.
If you have any suggestions or ideas I will add them when I move to GitHub.
Yes I am moving to GitHub because I have heard many good things about it plus I want to stop using the current repository as soon as I can because I share it with a friend, who now hates me... so yea...
you've forgot to add clientside lua file into ups_menu addon.
[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'upsmenu/ups_menu.lua' (@addons/ups_menu/lua/autorun/init.lua (line 7))
Couldn't include file 'upsmenu\ups_menu.lua' (File not found) (@addons/ups_menu/lua/autorun/init.lua (line 12))
Please try to fix it asap. :-)
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