Author Topic: help me please!  (Read 2859 times)

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Offline Sphynks

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help me please!
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:23:47 AM »
im trying to make a GMOD server and i tried to add myself as an admin
i do
rcon_password *****
rcon ulx adduser sphynks superadmin
but what happens is
BAD rcon passsword
so i go into server console and type in
ulx adduser sphynks superadmin
and it says invalid group!
this is what i have in my server
Code: [Select]
// This is your users file
// You can use this file to add people as admins on your server
// Add them to the relevant section
// If you're a Lua coder you can add your own sections and use them
// in your script by doing pl:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) etc

Code: [Select]
"ulx hiddenecho"
"ulx rcon"
"ulx luarun"
"ulx cexec"
"ulx ent"
"ulx adduser"
"ulx adduserid"
"ulx removeuser"
"ulx userallow"
"ulx userdeny"
"ulx addgroup"
"ulx removegroup"
"ulx groupallow"
"ulx groupdeny"

"ulx spawnecho"
"ulx tsay"
"ulx csay"
"ulx gimp"
"ulx mute"
"ulx ungimp"
"ulx unmute"
"ulx gag"
"ulx ungag"
"ulx chattime"
"ulx welcomemessage"
"ulx slap"
"ulx whip"
"ulx slay"
"ulx sslay"
"ulx ignite"
"ulx unignite"
"ulx playsound"
"ulx freeze"
"ulx unfreeze"
"ulx god"
"ulx ungod"
"ulx noclip"
"ulx hp"
"ulx armor"
"ulx cloak"
"ulx uncloak"
"ulx blind"
"ulx unblind"
"ulx jail"
"ulx unjail"
"ulx ghost"
"ulx unghost"
"ulx ragdoll"
"ulx unragdoll"
"ulx maul"
"ulx strip"
"ulx adminmenu"
"ulx clientmenu"
"ulx mapsmenu"
"ulx showmotd"
"ulx banmenu"
"ulx exec"
"ulx rslotsmode"
"ulx rslots"
"ulx rslotsvisible"
"ulx reservedslots"
"ulx bring"
"ulx goto"
"ulx send"
"ulx teleport"
"ulx tooldeny"
"ulx toolallow"
"ulx tooldenyuser"
"ulx toolallowuser"
"ulx tooldenyoverride"
"ulx map"
"ulx kick"
"ulx ban"
"ulx banid"
"ulx unban"
"ulx spectate"
"ulx physgunplayer"
"ulx vote"
"ulx votemap2"
"ulx votekick"
"ulx voteban"
"ulx veto"
"ulx hiddenecho"
"ulx rcon"
"ulx luarun"
"ulx cexec"
"ulx ent"
"ulx adduser"
"ulx adduserid"
"ulx removeuser"
"ulx userallow"
"ulx userdeny"
"ulx addgroup"
"ulx removegroup"
"ulx groupallow"
"ulx groupdeny"

"ulx help"
"ulx psay"
"ulx asay"
"ulx thetime"
"ulx menu"
"ulx motd"
"ulx usermanagementhelp"
"ulx who"
"ulx votemap"
"ulx logecho"
"ulx logfile"
"ulx logevents"
"ulx logchat"
"ulx logspawns"
"ulx logspawnsecho"
"ulx logdir"
"ulx addgimpsay"
"ulx addadvert"
"ulx addcsayadvert"
"ulx addforceddownload"
"ulx debuginfo"
"ulx voteecho"
"ulx votemap2successratio"
"ulx votemap2minvotes"
"ulx votekicksuccessratio"
"ulx votekickminvotes"
"ulx votebansuccessratio"
"ulx votebanminvotes"
"ulx votemapenabled"
"ulx votemapmintime"
"ulx votemapwaittime"
"ulx votemapsuccessratio"
"ulx votemapminvotes"
"ulx votemapvetotime"
"ulx votemapmapmode"
"ulx votemapaddmap"
"ulx seeasay"
PLease help, im only experienced in minecraft servers and nothing else!!

Offline Sphynks

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Re: help me please!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 02:25:45 AM »
For my post Please help!!! ignore it!, i accidently posted wen i pressed back :/

Offline MrPresident

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Re: help me please!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 07:16:42 AM »
Is that your users.txt file in


because that is the content of the settings users.txt file. You are NOT supposed to replace the data/ULib one with the settings one. If you did, delete it out of data/ULib and restart your server to allow ULib to generate a new one.

Offline Sphynks

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Re: help me please!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 10:31:43 PM »
How do i make myself admin then? because when i try it says "unknown command ULX"

Offline MrPresident

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Re: help me please!
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 04:45:14 AM »
that error message means that ULX isn't installed properly.

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: help me please!
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 07:57:36 PM »
I would like to see some more details here are some questions that will help you give us more info...


1. Where did you install ULX to?

2. What do you see inside your ULX folder that is in your addons?

3. Are you using the SVN version?

4. A small list of the addons you have on your server (Some addons may mess-up other addons.).

5. How exactly are you installing ULX?
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