So.. I feel like it was just 27 months
since I wrote this post, my how the time sure does fly when you're having fun!
Anyway, all joking aside. I will be leaving very soon for Afghanistan. We are going to the southern region, near Kandahar. I've come a long way since my last deployment to Iraq and I think I'm more prepared mentally and physically for what lies ahead.
As usual, I'll be out of the States for 12 months and I say my goodbyes now because I don't know what is lying in store for me there. I could have internet, but I am not banking on that fact.
I hope that you all continue to grow as developers and more importantly as a community in my absence. I'll be back and when I get back I plan on diving head first into everything I've been missing out on.
So, until next time, I'll catch everyone later!
P.S. I hope I have good internet there, and then it'll be like nothing changed, but either way. Just thought you all should know.