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Steam ID/Player Search

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Doesn't appear to be working via Firefox?


EDIT:  I just tried it with Internet Explorer, still nothing.

EDIT:  Works on Chrome.

I can confirm this. It seems I was using Chrome the first time I gave this a try. I am back to FireFox for the time being, and it doesn't work at all. It simply doesn't load anything when you click search.

I made sure to disable adblock so that is not the issue at hand here.

Thanks for letting me know.
I'll Fix it and post an update.

OK, Its updated.
Just go to the beginning of the post and go to the download site, click the newest file.  ;D

If you just want to use ajax to get the info by yourself, Just point it to http://sly-gaming.com/steamid/steamidProcess.php?steam=(your input)

here, try:  http://sly-gaming.com/steamid/steamidProcess.php?steam=djwolf

Works perfectly, thanks.

EDIT:  I gave it a few modifications and officially added it to my site:  http://aaron113.com/index.php?a=steamidForm


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