Basically, regardless of what my ulx_motd.txt contains, the in-game motd will contain the same text.
This is what it says in game:
1. Listen to administrators. (Higher rank means more authority)
2. Do not mess with other peoples unless they want you to.
3. Do not DeathMatch people who do not wish to be deathmatched.
4. Do not attempt to crash the server or minge in any way. ( This includes prop minge and tool minge )
5. As long as you aren't bothering someone, you are not at fault.
6. Do not harass others.
7. Do not hack.
8. Do not camp spawn or spawn kill.
- Ascension & Gregory
Here's what the ulx_motd.txt says:
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="width: 70%; margin: 0px auto; border: 5px solid #ccc; background-color: #eee; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma; margin-top: 30px; color: #222; text-align: left;">
<div style="font-size: 30px; font-family: impact; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px;">Ascension RP</div>
<div style="text-allign: center;">Global Rules</br>
1. Listen to administrators. (Higher rank means more authority)</br>
2. Do not RDM.</br>
3. Do not Metagame.</br>
4. Do not break NLR.</br>
5. Do not prop minge.</br>
6. Do not spam text or mic.</br>
7. After death, you must wait atleast 3 minutes before returing to the spot of which you died.</br>
8. Do not break public microwaves.</br>
9. You may not have more than 3 doors, be it fading or tool, per entrance.</br>
<div style="text-allign: center;">Class-Specific Rules</br>
Hobo: Must build bases within reasonable size.</br>
CP: Do not random arrest. Do not arrest people without a reason. Must listen to Chief.</br>
Gun Dealer: May be private as long as one Gun Dealer is selling to public.</br>
Cook: At least one public microwave must be available. However, not every cook must have one publicly available.</br>
Hitman: Minimum of 1000$ per hit.</br>
Body Guard: Do not use excessive force unless target is in danger. Do not stunstick abuse.</br>
Thief/Hacker: May only use lethal force in an unprovoked self-defense situation.</br>
Gangster: Must listen to mob boss. Do not kill cops for being cops. This is RDM. Must have atleast 3 members to raid.</br>
These rules may change at any time for any reason. Check back frequently as ignorance is not an excuse.</br>
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; margin: 24px; font-weight: bold;">- Ascension & Gregory</div>
I have tried everything from a fresh install of ulx and ulib from the svn tonight, to deleting the cache and removing all other ulx related addons. I also tried searching through sv.db and cl.db.
If it helps, I am running darkrp 2.4.2 with FADMIN.
Thanks for your time in advance.