ULX version: 3.53
ULib version: 2.42
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true
Currently connected players:
Nick steamid uid id lsh created
[Revenger]PainKiller STEAM_0:0:29252696 2521636919 1 n 50
ULib.ucl.users (#=4):
group = none
name = [Revenger] TheEZ3L
group = owner
god = !god
name = [Revenger]GSUG[FSC] Da Boom
group = owner
kill = !slay
!slay = !slay
name = [Revenger]PainKiller
group = none
ULib.ucl.groups (#=7):
can_target = user
ignite = !ignite
kick = !kick
votekick = !votekick
!slay = !slay
god = !god
inherit_from = none
can_target = user
1 = apromote_settings
2 = overcomeimmunity
3 = ulx addgroup
4 = ulx adduser
5 = ulx adduserid
6 = ulx banid
7 = ulx cexec
8 = ulx ent
9 = ulx exec
10 = ulx groupallow
11 = ulx groupdeny
12 = ulx hiddenecho
13 = ulx logchat
14 = ulx logdir
15 = ulx logecho
16 = ulx logechocolorconsole
17 = ulx logechocolordefault
18 = ulx logechocoloreveryone
19 = ulx logechocolormisc
20 = ulx logechocolorplayer
21 = ulx logechocolorplayerasgroup
22 = ulx logechocolors
23 = ulx logechocolorself
24 = ulx logevents
25 = ulx logfile
26 = ulx logjoinleaveecho
27 = ulx logspawns
28 = ulx logspawnsecho
29 = ulx luarun
30 = ulx maul
31 = ulx rcon
32 = ulx removegroup
33 = ulx removeuser
34 = ulx removeuserid
35 = ulx renamegroup
36 = ulx setgroupcantarget
37 = ulx userallow
38 = ulx userallowid
39 = ulx userdeny
40 = ulx userdenyid
41 = ulx voteecho
42 = xgui_gmsettings
43 = xgui_managebans
44 = xgui_managegroups
45 = xgui_svsettings
!slay = !slay
ignite = !ignite
kick = !kick
votekick = !votekick
noclip = !noclip
god = !god
inherit_from = user
can_target = server guard
1 = ulib_passtime
2 = ulib_passtimeout
3 = ulx armor
4 = ulx ban
5 = ulx blind
6 = ulx bring
7 = ulx chattime
8 = ulx cloak
9 = ulx csay
10 = ulx freeze
11 = ulx gag
12 = ulx gimp
13 = ulx god
14 = ulx goto
15 = ulx hp
16 = ulx ignite
17 = ulx jail
18 = ulx kick
19 = ulx kickafternamechanges
20 = ulx kickafternamechangescooldown
21 = ulx kickafternamechangeswarning
22 = ulx map
23 = ulx mute
24 = ulx noclip
25 = ulx physgunplayer
26 = ulx playsound
27 = ulx ragdoll
28 = ulx reservedslots
29 = ulx rslots
30 = ulx rslotsmode
31 = ulx rslotsvisible
32 = ulx seeanonymousechoes
33 = ulx send
34 = ulx showmotd
35 = ulx slap
36 = ulx slay
37 = ulx spawnecho
38 = ulx spectate
39 = ulx sslay
40 = ulx strip
41 = ulx teleport
42 = ulx tsay
43 = ulx unban
44 = ulx unblind
45 = ulx uncloak
46 = ulx unfreeze
47 = ulx ungag
48 = ulx ungimp
49 = ulx ungod
50 = ulx unignite
51 = ulx unigniteall
52 = ulx unjail
53 = ulx unmute
54 = ulx unragdoll
55 = ulx veto
56 = ulx vote
57 = ulx voteban
58 = ulx votebanminvotes
59 = ulx votebansuccessratio
60 = ulx votekick
61 = ulx votekickminvotes
62 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
63 = ulx votemap2
64 = ulx votemap2minvotes
65 = ulx votemap2successratio
66 = ulx votemapenabled
67 = ulx votemapmapmode
68 = ulx votemapmintime
69 = ulx votemapminvotes
70 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
71 = ulx votemapvetotime
72 = ulx votemapwaittime
73 = ulx welcomemessage
74 = ulx whip
ignite = !ignite
kick = !kick
votekick = !votekick
!slay = !slay
god = !god
inherit_from = user
can_target = none
1 = ulx asay
2 = ulx help
3 = ulx motd
4 = ulx psay
5 = ulx thetime
6 = ulx usermanagementhelp
7 = ulx voteban
8 = ulx votekick
9 = ulx votemap
10 = ulx who
votekick = !votekick
ulx goto = ^
ulx teleport = ^
can_target = user
1 = ulx seeasay
kick = !kick
ignite = !ignite
inherit_from = user
can_target = superadmin
index = 21
order = 1
color_blue = 7
health = 9999999999
model = prison
stepSize = 18
name = Owner
color_red = 242
color_green = 7
1 = ulx armor
2 = ulx ban
3 = ulx blind
4 = ulx bring
5 = ulx chattime
6 = ulx cloak
7 = ulx csay
8 = ulx freeze
9 = ulx gag
10 = ulx gimp
11 = ulx god
12 = ulx hp
13 = ulx ignite
14 = ulx jail
15 = ulx kick
16 = ulx kickafternamechanges
17 = ulx kickafternamechangescooldown
18 = ulx kickafternamechangeswarning
19 = ulx map
20 = ulx mute
21 = ulx physgunplayer
22 = ulx playsound
23 = ulx ragdoll
24 = ulx reservedslots
25 = ulx seeanonymousechoes
26 = ulx seeasay
27 = ulx send
28 = ulx slap
29 = ulx slay
30 = ulx spawnecho
31 = ulx spectate
32 = ulx sslay
33 = ulx strip
34 = ulx tsay
35 = ulx unban
36 = ulx unblind
37 = ulx uncloak
38 = ulx unfreeze
39 = ulx ungag
40 = ulx ungimp
41 = ulx ungod
42 = ulx unignite
43 = ulx unigniteall
44 = ulx unjail
45 = ulx unmute
46 = ulx unragdoll
47 = ulx veto
48 = ulx vote
49 = ulx votemap2
50 = ulx whip
ulx noclip = ^
ignite = !ignite
kick = !kick
!slay = !slay
votekick = !votekick
god = !god
inherit_from = superadmin
votekick = !votekick
inherit_from = user
ULib.ucl.authed (#=1):
group = owner
kill = !slay
!slay = !slay
name = [Revenger]PainKiller
Garrysmod default file (#=2):
Active addons on this server:
admingun by cheesylard, version 1 (30th March 2008)
Admin_Police by eXperion, version 1 ((null))
Adv Duplicator by TAD2020, version 1.85 (June 28th 2009)
Anti-NoClip by RabidToaster, version 2 (24th January 2007)
aoc by , version 1 (April 7th 2011)
ATM Banker v2 by Fish, version 2 (December 17th, 2011)
autopromotegui by Lead4u2, version 1.3 - Beta ((null))
BlankWhite by BakonGuy, version 1 (April 27 2010)
Buoyancy Tool by RabidToaster, version 1.1 (4th May 2008)
Conna's Tools Pack by Conna, version 1.3999 ((null))
counter-strike by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
CSS Realistic Weapons 4.0 by WORSHIPPER, version 4 (13th February 2008)
DarkRP Class Maker by Cheif Tiger, version 1 (15th November, 2009)
Dead Ringer by NECROSSIN, version (31/07/09)
diprip by , version 1 (March 16th 2011)
DoorSTool by High6, version v1.6b (December 19th 2006)
Drivable BMW M5 E60 by TheDanishMaster by TheDanishMaster, freemmaann, Turn 10, version 1 (12th July 2011)
Drivable Ferrari 250GT by TheDanishMaster by TheDanishMaster, freemmaann, version 1 (12th July 2011)
dystopia by , version 1 (March 16th 2011)
easy airplane by weaponmen, version 1.7 (25 july 2009)
EasyPrecision by hunter, version 0.9a ((null))
fading_doors by Lexi, version 1.1 (08/08/2010)
Falco Prop Protection by (FPtje) Falco, version standalone 1.0 (yesterday)
Fin2 by Q42 + Tad2020, version 1.2999 (lol)
flynn_cycle by MrSinistar, version 1 (07/28/10)
FragRadio_Radio by Dr.Chapman, version 1.1 (05-01-2012)
FSAMod by ::Frosty, version 1 (2011)
hl2_ep2 by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
Laser STOOL 2 by MadJawa, version 2 (August 1st 2008)
left4dead by , version 1 (March 16th 2011)
left4dead2 by , version 1 (April 5th 2011)
Lightsaber Pack v2 by Chibi\ZiBL - convertion to gmod10, version 2 (10th March 2007)
Lua_Scoreboard by kopimi, version 1 (February 12, 2010)
Mad Cows Weapons by Worshipper, version 3 (31th October 2009)
MoneyDetector by philxyz, version 1.2 (4th Feburary 2010)
mp3_player by LaZzA/Mr Balls, version 1 (10th November 2008)
no_collide_multi by Narkaleptic, version 1.1 (December 19th 2006)
Nuke Pack 4 by Nuke and TNT by Teta_Bonita, Atomic Bomb by Doomsday, Model Changes by Sgt.Napalm, RayFanMan (RayFan9876) and Hamster, Entities list and Spawn Icons by Sgt.Napalm and RayFanMan (RayFan9876), Nuke_effect_air, nuke_var_inits and nuke_blastwave changes by RayFanMan (RayFan9876), version 4 ()
Pcmod2 by [GU]thomasfn, version 2.0.4 ()
Peelz by A Sky Hippo, version 1 (October, 26 2010)
phx by PhoeniX-Storms & 1/4 Life, version 5 (3rd Febuary 2007)
PlayX by sk89q, version 2.5999 ((null))
portal by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
sent_turret by , version 1 (15th October 2008)
SicknessModel by SgtSickness, version 9 (29th September 2008)
Simple Prop Protection by Spacetech, version SVN ()
smartsnap by Syranide, version 0.9.5 ()
Smart_Constraint by Spacetech, version 1.2.2 ()
smart_welding by Duncan Stead, version 2.0999 (7th August 2007)
SoundEmitter by Major Victory, version 3 ((null))
Stacker STool by -, version 2.2 (19th January 2007)
Tags_v1.3_ASS_notime by Jova, version 1.2999 ((null))
tf2 by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
TOOL_stacker_adv by manJak, version 1 (18th July 2009)
Trig's Tactical Swep by trig, version 1 (2009)
ulib by Team Ulysses, version 2.42 (01/01/12)
ulx by Team Ulysses, version 3.5299 (01/01/12)
Unbreakable by Chaussetteā¢, version 1.1 (28th January 2007)
WeightSTool by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))
wire by Wire Team, version SVN ((null))
zeno_clash by ACE Team, version 1 (May 8th 2009)
zps by , version 1 (March 16th 2011)