Author Topic: ulx / ulib / utime not working correctly  (Read 2680 times)

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Offline sme4gle

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ulx / ulib / utime not working correctly
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:09:09 AM »

i have made a setup for utime ulx and ulib .. but its not working correctly, my problem is that it is not creating the databases or something i guess
its like :  i join game .. utime time counts up .. but if i disconnect and reconnect it gets all reset (also the total time)
.. i tried doing EXACTLY the same at my desktop .. and everything works fine, does anyone know how i can solve this?
i tried multiple things like: installing microsoft server 2005 , install mysql , tried to turn off my Teamspeak server wich runs on that pc (also uses sql not sure if it
had something in common). does anyone else have some options left cuz im kinda running out...

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Re: ulx / ulib / utime not working correctly
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 02:21:11 PM »
Which UTime are you using?
Several different versions exist, including one Megiddo of our Team Ulysses wrote.
The one he wrote has nothing to do with needing an SQL server.
It stores info in a local server file called sv.db in the root gmod/ folder using a format called 'SQLite'.
Your server might not have write access to sv.db, or some other mod is preventing the commands that normally write to it, those are all we can think of off hand.
You'd have to look for errors in your server logs when players join, server starts up, any other items that would normally allow UTime to write its data.
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Offline sme4gle

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Re: ulx / ulib / utime not working correctly
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2012, 08:08:34 AM »
I tried removing the sv.db and started the server again .. i dont know what was wrong .. but it seems to be working now thanks anyway :)