Author Topic: Your thoughts on "Project Glass"?  (Read 2689 times)

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Offline krooks

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Your thoughts on "Project Glass"?
« on: April 05, 2012, 04:51:41 PM »
Since we've been having a lot of fun chit chat threads lately, heres another for ya  ;D

If you haven't heard about it already take a look at this link,

Would you use something like this if it were readily available and a decent price?
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Your thoughts on "Project Glass"?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2012, 05:03:53 PM »
No, I'd not use them.
Sure, fun gimmick for those who might.

Not sure if I've ever said it in other posts.
I hate how non-private we as a society now are.
I stay away from 'social' sites as much as possible.
Yes, some forums, but, very few, and none that use advertising to support them.
No FB,Twitter,.... whatever.

Google is already evil in its own right on how I'm tracked.
They even want to track me as a ghost. (See quick blurb - )
I've disabled all that I can on my android based phone, and only use some of its location features when I need them.
I've never shared my location on purpose.

You might think working in IT would make me more open to technology such as this.
If anything, my involvement in certain aspects of IT have scared the out of me, so I purposely avoid the public side of it.

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Re: Your thoughts on "Project Glass"?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2012, 09:09:10 PM »
I, for one, and accepting of our Google overlords.

resistance is futile.

Offline krooks

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Re: Your thoughts on "Project Glass"?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 09:11:36 AM »
haha @ you both  ;D

I'm fairly protective of my privacy, although have gotten a little more relaxed about social networking.
I've got a twitter, but that's the least invasive of the main ones, imo.
I never use locations services on my iPhone, but have read about android/ iPhone tracking users regardless, but I've got a jailbroken phone, and a hack that clears the tracking log file every 30 min.

That's all a side note, personally, I wouldn't be interested in this because it feels too invasive, a distraction from real life. My phone already does that enough, but at least I have more of a choice when and where I pull it out.

I can however see this type of technology really catching on in the future. It will be like the cell phone, people were skeptical at first, but it's now almost required for modern living (which I resent)!
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Re: Your thoughts on "Project Glass"?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2012, 12:30:28 PM »
I have a hard time deciding where I fall on the privacy line. My online identity is tightly bound with my "real life" identity, which I did on purpose... but I've done that mainly for people who know me in the real world to find me here.

If you dig into my online identity, you'll get a good feel for what sort of things I do in my free time, but I doubt you'd be able to find my address.

I've gone back and forth on the twitter/facebook thing. I used to have my twitter feed open to the world, but stuff like this scares me into making it private. Even then, I tend to post non-identifying information and purge my history from time to time.

I do like social networking, and it's helped me keep old friends and make new ones, but I also want to avoid becoming a target. My type of work makes me very aware of just how dangerous social networking can be... but it's also so useful. This is why I'm so conflicted on these. :-\
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