Author Topic: GM, Credit help.  (Read 2422 times)

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Offline IizStormViper

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GM, Credit help.
« on: July 08, 2012, 01:12:26 PM »
So I'm starting to make my own gamemode that has credits.So I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm trying to make a custom credit system.This is what I have so far will this work if I add a loop and make it so the person that kills someone gets more credits everytime they get killed.

Code: [Select]
credit = 0
function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(ply)
if credit = 0 then
credit = 1.5 else
if credit = getcredit then
credit + 1.5


concommand.Add("credit", credit)

edit: I know that it is on spawn, its only being tested at the moment.

Offline Assault_Trooper

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Re: GM, Credit help.
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 03:01:06 PM »
So I'm starting to make my own gamemode that has credits.So I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm trying to make a custom credit system.This is what I have so far will this work if I add a loop and make it so the person that kills someone gets more credits everytime they get killed.

Code: [Select]
credit = 0
function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(ply)
if credit = 0 then
credit = 1.5 else
if credit = getcredit then
credit + 1.5


concommand.Add("credit", credit)

edit: I know that it is on spawn, its only being tested at the moment.

I don't even understand how that code is related to your description. I honestly don't think you should be making a gamemode since you don't really have the skills to make one.

You have to use the PlayerDeath( ply, weapon, killer ) hook. And you need to store the credits on the players, ply:SetNWInt( "credits", 1 ) or in a table.

Offline MrPresident

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Re: GM, Credit help.
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 03:16:33 AM »
Not to sound rude, but everything about the code you posted is wrong. Nothing will work in that.

If you can tell me what you want it to do clearly, I will help you out.