Ulysses Stuff > Releases
UtimeMOO - Utime for MySQL (Linux Compatible)
I'm getting this error when a player joins.
--- Code: ---[ERROR] addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310: attempt to index local 'cpanel' (a nil value)
1. buildCP - addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310
2. resetCvars - addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:305
3. fn - addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:406
4. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:183
5. GetAll - [C]:-1
6. fn - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh/chat.lua:245
7. Call - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:183
8. fn - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/cl_init.lua:40
9. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:183
[anulka.w1106|3|STEAM_0:0:61718709] Lua Error:
controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!
[anulka.w1106|3|STEAM_0:0:61718709] Lua Error:
[ERROR] addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310: attempt to index local 'cpanel' (a nil value)
1. buildCP - addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:310
2. resetCvars - addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:305
3. fn - addons/utimem/lua/autorun/cl_utime.lua:406
4. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:183
[anulka.w1106|3|STEAM_0:0:61718709] Lua Error:
controlpanel.Get() - Error creating a ControlPanel!
You're calling this function too early! Call it in a hook!
--- End code ---
Make sure your using the latest 'fix' by Tweak. It appears several posts after the original release, June 29 I think.
Also make sure you've got the latest svn of Utime from https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/
Seems I remember seeing the cpanel bug you mention fixed months if not years ago.
I was using his fix, I will try the latest svn. Are you suggesting that I should mix the latest svn with Tweak's fix?
EDIT: Newest svn gives me the same error, strange thing is I only get it on my Zombie Survival server and not on my sandbox...
Yeah you can mix them, if you overwrite just the SVN's sv_utime.lua with mine. I think the cpanel error is from running it on gamemodes without a spawnmenu. I'll see about including the fixed client file with mine.
--- Quote from: TweaK on August 03, 2013, 12:44:37 PM ---Yeah you can mix them, if you overwrite just the SVN's sv_utime.lua with mine. I think the cpanel error is from running it on gamemodes without a spawnmenu. I'll see about including the fixed client file with mine.
--- End quote ---
It will mean the world to me if you could fix the UtimeMOO so it works with a gamemode without a spawnmenu :D
EDIT: I assume utime uses pdata, so is there a way to import the pdata to mysql?
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