Ulysses Stuff > Releases
UtimeMOO - Utime for MySQL (Linux Compatible)
Bite That Apple:
--- Quote from: Aaron113 on May 03, 2015, 08:40:16 PM ---Looks like it's fixed in the version posted right above you. All he did was add a simple loaded check on the player.
--- End quote ---
From what I read he's just fixing certain names, but at the same time I didn't thoroughly check everything he did.
Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk:
IIRC I only did some minor changes on the UTF-8 encoding, nothing else.
But I'm struggling with the occasional resets, too. My server is almost always full (16 Players) and in the last three days about 8 people complained about their time being reset. Is it possible that MySQL + LUA is unreliable?
Another quick browse through the code does not show anything interesting.
I desperately need Utime for MySQL for my !motd and other stats delivered via a webserver and this is slowly driving me nuts.
Do you know when the players who get reset joins? Have the server been empty for a long period before they do?
I've had something like that happen where the db connection would reset to "gone away"/ time out the first time it's used. I edited Pointshops way to do it with a "wrapper" which takes some sql string, a callback to be called with returned data and a optimal tries argument to limit the number of retries.
I wouldn't mind trying getting my hands dirty since I would have made my own version anyways... Is it okay to use github rather than uploading archives here?
Luk | twitch.tv/doctorluk:
I don't see any connection between server usage and the occasional resets. I've used an external MySQL Server (different VHost, same Hostmachine, so latency <1ms) and moved it on the same VHost, but that didn't change a thing (why would it, if the latency difference is about 0.5ms... *scratches head*).
I'm thinking about combining SQLite and MySQL where SQLite is actually used for storing/reading the time, but the time is regularly being pushed to MySQL, too. I only have one server, so that should do it. Although I'm still heavily annoyed by the inconsistency.
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