Ulysses Stuff > Releases
That's right, I went through and fixed it up. It also now updates its data when you change a user's access. This should help with possible issues with connections.
It will save names with the data, so do with it what you please. To configure it, open mysql.lua and edit the top variables. Make sure ULX_HOST uses an external ip(I haven't been able to work with localhost). Also, if you already have a table called ulx in the same database, change the name so it can create the table. Other then that, happy servering!
One small big difference is also any users defined prior installation of this will be moved to users as to avoid exploits.
If you can't find the download link, you are not logged in.
To install MySQLOO, go here: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1220537
hey thanks for this, it's something I've wanted to put on my servers for quite a while
well I set it up properly, created a new db in mysql and put db/user/pass settings in the lua file but when someone joins I get this:
ERROR: Hook 'PlaceUserToTheirGroup' Failed: [addons\ulx\lua\ulx\modules\sh\mysql.lua:76] attempt to index local 'queryQ' (a nil value)
Removing Hook 'PlaceUserToTheirGroup'
well i checked your script a bit, and it should create the tables needed, but the db is empty, it didn't create anything, am I missing something?
ps. MySQLOO is in my addons and working properly because I'm already using sourcebans with it.
Nevermind about that, I figured out the problem. For some reason it didn't want to connect to the DB using "localhost" so I used directly the IP address of the server, however your script doesn't create the table "ulxmysql" in the database, I had to manually create it.
Other than that I works as expected :) thanks again
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