It's not recommended because it's never recommended to modify base ULIB/ULX files. It won't hurt anything. Just remember to undo this if you ever decide to stop using MySQL authentication.
In addons\ULIB\lua\ulib\server\ucl.lua find:
function ucl.saveUsers()
for _, userInfo in pairs( ucl.users ) do
table.sort( userInfo.allow )
table.sort( userInfo.deny )
ULib.fileWrite( ULib.UCL_USERS, ULib.makeKeyValues( ucl.users ) )
replace with:
function ucl.saveUsers()
for _, userInfo in pairs( ucl.users ) do
table.sort( userInfo.allow )
table.sort( userInfo.deny )
--ULib.fileWrite( ULib.UCL_USERS, ULib.makeKeyValues( ucl.users ) )
Then just delete your users.txt file. Your game will now stop using it entirely.