I am going to be 100% blunt with you here.. and I mean absolutely no disrespect by it what-so-ever.
1. You provide no portfolio. If you want to sell skills, people will need to know what you are capable of.
2. I did some digging and went to your website and I was not impressed. It is kind of neat for what you are using it for, but I would not pay someone to make something like that for me. It almost looks as if you used Adobe Dreamweaver or MS FrontPage to throw it together.
Any time that you try to offer services online to potential buyers you need to at a very minimum go in to detail about what you can do. When you say 'Web Design' what does that include? Are you proficient with serverside scripting like PHP? Can you do websites using CSS and PHP/HTML or do you use an editor with limited design capability? If I commissioned you to design me a website with a login system, would you be able to do that? These are all things that would be useful to post.
What kinds of lua scripts have you written? Can you provide links to releases you've made in the past? Are you able to do full scripts or are you only really good with modifying pre-existing code-bases (aka: ULX mods)
Provide some examples of photoshop works you've done in the past.
Just a few things to think about when posted a thread like this!