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General Wrex's ULX Modules

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General Wrex:
I created a few modules. I'll add more to this post as I make them

Modules now stored on SVN!



--- Code: ---
Usage "ulx arm player" "!arm player(s)

put the ulxarm folder in your addons folder, "garrysmod/garrysmod/addons"

Arm the player(s) with the garrysmod default loadout

--- End code ---

ULX Selective Strip V1

Version 2 will have a derma element tied into the XGUI for real time editing of the blacklisted weapons.

--- Code: ---put the selectivestrip folder in your addons folder, "garrysmod/garrysmod/addons"

It's currently set to remove all weapons (including c:ss ones) but not including;
Remote Control,
Laser Pointer,
and Tool Gun

You can edit the WeaponsTable to put custom weapons in, just add a new line inside the table with a comma like so

Just go into the "\lua\ulx\modules\sh" folder and edit "sstrip.lua".

WeaponsTable = {

{"weapon_stunstick"}, -- comma here
{"weapon_something"} -- no comma here since its the last


and thats how you add a new one, remember you need the class name! You should know it if you created the weapon =P

--- End code ---

ULX Enter/Exit Vehicle

--- Code: ---Usage:

To force a player into a Vehicle:

"ulx enter player" "!enter player

To remove player(s) from their Vehicle:

"ulx exit player(s)" "!exit player(s)


put the ulxenterexitvehicle folder in your addons folder, "garrysmod/garrysmod/addons"

--- End code ---

I really like the selective strip one. That is a brilliant idea. I don't see the application of forcing a player to enter a vehicle though. How does that work? Do they need to be near one or looking at it for it to work?

Good Work either way!

General Wrex:
They have to look at the vehicle and say "!enter ^" to force a player into it.  It's good to put a player into a chair on a contraption you made, without giving him PP.

I'm definitely going to use the selective strip addon.

Usage "ulx rules player" "!rules player(s)

Forces the rule list onto the player.

For example: !rules munch - this will force a webpage to open for me displaying the rules. Maybe make it so the window can't be closed for ___ minutes or something of the sort. Would be much use to me.

General Wrex:
Sounds Interesting, I'll see what I can do. :)


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