Author Topic: Running a listen server but ULX & ULIB Are giving me no commands  (Read 2303 times)

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Offline ShadeGraphics

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Ok so i installed ULiB And ULX and i did it like it told me to multiple times but still no commands no changes can't become admin i have no clue what's wrong and i need help

Offline JamminR

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Re: Running a listen server but ULX & ULIB Are giving me no commands
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 03:12:29 PM »
Where exactly did you get install files from?
There are only two links right now of our products that are compatible with Gmod13.
They're both 'svn', and aren't ulyssesmod.net domain.
What 'it' are you referring to when saying "did it like it told me to"?
What exactly are you doing?
If you've read the readme.txt files, I'm pretty sure they tell you that, if ULX is running in Listen server mode, you shouldn't need to add yourself as superadmin.
(Though. I could be wrong on that if Gmod13 changed that)
Have you seen our FAQ section here in the forums, it has several FAQs that would probably help you.
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