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Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
And what's about removeing admins from group when admin removes them from sourcebans?
rainbow Dash:
--- Quote from: NaRyan on December 20, 2012, 12:37:25 PM ---I take it ya ment line 270 as it is the line that says
--- Code: ---local adminID, adminIP = getAdminDetails(admin);
--- End code ---
I changed that to
--- Code: ---local adminID, adminIP = getAdminDetails(admin) or "";
--- End code ---
And done a voteban against myself, I was banned from the server (Lan one), however it still gave the error.
The server did not crash, however as I said it was just a lan based one so it was only me on it, so the lack of 23 other players might have had something to do with that.
It also did not write the ban to sourcebans (it writes them fine using !ban)
--- End quote ---
This issue is still occuring, but wouldn't it make more sense to be...
--- Code: ---local adminID, adminIP = getAdminDetails(admin) or "", "";
--- End code ---
... I mean, its setting two variables here, not 1, so getAdminDetails(admin) must be returning two values, meaning if you added
--- Code: --- or "";
--- End code ---
you'd be just setting adminID to "" and leaving adminIP undefined.
I finally got this module working. After trying some stuff with mysqloo i figured out why it wasnt working for me and this should help others:
Mysqloo asks you to install a lib file (libmysql.dll or libmysql.lib) that you stick in same directory as srcds executable. My MySQL server version was newer which is why it wasnt working. You need to install the lib file from the same version of the MySQL server you're using. Once you figure out the version number, you can download it at http://downloads.mysql.com/archives/community/ The file will be located in the lib folder of the archive.
Is there a way to add the player/user to a specific group on Sourcebans automatically when a player's group is changed in ULX?
Can this plugin populate the ban tab with bans from sourcebans?
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