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Sourcebans & ULX/ULib

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[R.B Team]FinnTheHuman:
Have a error

[ERROR] addons/ulib/lua/ulib/server/player.lua:267: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
  1. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/server/player.lua:0
Here`s a player.lua

   Title: Player

   Holds some helpful player functions.

   Table: slapSounds

   These are the sounds used for slaps.
local slapSounds = {

   Function: slap

   Slaps an entity, can be a user or any entity.


      ent - The target ent.
      damage - *(Optional, defaults to 0)* The amount of damage to inflict on the entity.
      power - *(Optional, defaults to 30)* The power of the slap.
      nosound - *(Optional, defaults to false)* If true, no sound will be played.
function ULib.slap( ent, damage, power, nosound )
   if ent:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_OBSERVER then return end -- Nothing we can do.

   damage = damage or 0
   power = power or 500

   if ent:IsPlayer() then
      if not ent:Alive() then
         return -- Nothing we can do.

      if ent:InVehicle() then

      if ent:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP then
         ent:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK )

   if not nosound then -- Play a slap sound
      local sound_num = math.random( #slapSounds ) -- Choose at random
      ent:EmitSound( slapSounds[ sound_num ] )

   local direction = Vector( math.random( 20 )-10, math.random( 20 )-10, math.random( 20 )-5 ) -- Make it random, slightly biased to go up.
   ULib.applyAccel( ent, power, direction )

   local angle_punch_pitch = math.Rand( -20, 20 )
   local angle_punch_yaw = math.sqrt( 20*20 - angle_punch_pitch * angle_punch_pitch )
   if math.random( 0, 1 ) == 1 then
      angle_punch_yaw = angle_punch_yaw * -1
   ent:ViewPunch( Angle( angle_punch_pitch, angle_punch_yaw, 0 ) )

   local newHp = ent:Health() - damage
   if newHp <= 0 then
      if ent:IsPlayer() then
         ent:Fire( "break", 1, 0 )
   ent:SetHealth( newHp )

   Function: kick

   Kicks a user.


      ply - The player to kick.
      reason - *(Optional)* The reason to give for kicking.
function ULib.kick( ply, reason, calling_ply )
   if reason and calling_ply ~= nil then
      local nick = calling_ply:IsValid() and string.format( "%s(%s)", calling_ply:Nick(), calling_ply:SteamID() ) or "Console"
      ply:Kick( string.format( "Kicked by %s (%s)", nick, reason or "[ULX] Kicked from server" ) )
      ply:Kick( reason or "[ULX] Kicked from server" )

   Function: ban

   Bans a user.


      ply - The player to ban.
      time - *(Optional)* The time in minutes to ban the person for, leave nil or 0 for permaban.
      reason - *(Optional)* The reason for banning
      admin - *(Optional)* Admin player enacting ban


      v2.10 - Added support for custom ban list
function ULib.ban( ply, time, reason, admin )
   if not time or type( time ) ~= "number" then
      time = 0

   ULib.addBan( ply:SteamID(), time, reason, ply:Name(), admin )

   -- Load our currently banned users so we don't overwrite them
   if ULib.fileExists( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" ) then
      ULib.execFile( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" )

   Function: kickban

   Kicks and bans a user.


      ply - The player to ban.
      time - *(Optional)* The time in minutes to ban the person for, leave nil or 0 for permaban.
      reason - *(Optional)* The reason for banning
      admin - *(Optional)* Admin player enacting ban


      v2.10 - Added support for custom ban list
function ULib.kickban( ply, time, reason, admin )
   if not time or type( time ) ~= "number" then
      time = 0

   ULib.addBan( ply:SteamID(), time, reason, ply:Name(), admin )

   -- Load our currently banned users so we don't overwrite them
   if ULib.fileExists( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" ) then
      ULib.execFile( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" )

   Function: addBan

   Helper function to store additional data about bans.


      steamid - Banned player's steamid
      time - Length of ban
      reason - *(Optional)* Reason for banning
      name - *(Optional)* Name of player banned
      admin - *(Optional)* Admin player enacting the ban


      2.10 - Initial
      2.40 - If the steamid is connected, kicks them with the reason given
function ULib.addBan( steamid, time, reason, name, admin )
        local strTime = time ~= 0 and string.format( "for %s minute(s)", time ) or "permanently"
        local showReason = string.format( "Banned %s: %s", strTime, reason )
        if ( sourcebans ) then
                sourcebans.BanPlayerBySteamID( steamid, time*60, reason, admin, name )
                local players = player.GetAll()
                for i=1, #players do
                        if players[ i ]:SteamID() == steamid then
                                ULib.kick( players[ i ], showReason, admin )
                -- This redundant kick code is to ensure they're kicked -- even if they're joining
                game.ConsoleCommand( string.format( "kickid %s %s\n", steamid, showReason or "" ) )
                game.ConsoleCommand( string.format( "banid %f %s kick\n", time, steamid ) )
                game.ConsoleCommand( "writeid\n" )
        local admin_name
        if admin then
                admin_name = "(Console)"
                if admin:IsValid() then
                        admin_name = string.format( "%s(%s)", admin:Name(), admin:SteamID() )
        local t = {}
        if ULib.bans[ steamid ] then
                t = ULib.bans[ steamid ]
                t.modified_admin = admin_name
                t.modified_time = os.time()
                t.admin = admin_name
        t.time = t.time or os.time()
        if time > 0 then
                t.unban = ( ( time * 60 ) + os.time() )
                t.unban = 0
        if reason then
                t.reason = reason
        if name then
                t.name = name
        ULib.bans[ steamid ] = t
        file.Write( ULib.BANS_FILE, ULib.makeKeyValues( ULib.bans ) )

   -- This redundant kick code is to ensure they're kicked -- even if they're joining
   game.ConsoleCommand( string.format( "kickid %s %s\n", steamid, showReason or "" ) )
   game.ConsoleCommand( string.format( "banid %f %s kick\n", time, steamid ) )
   game.ConsoleCommand( "writeid\n" )

   local admin_name
   if admin then
      admin_name = "(Console)"
      if admin:IsValid() then
         admin_name = string.format( "%s(%s)", admin:Name(), admin:SteamID() )

   local t = {}
   if ULib.bans[ steamid ] then
      t = ULib.bans[ steamid ]
      t.modified_admin = admin_name
      t.modified_time = os.time()
      t.admin = admin_name
   t.time = t.time or os.time()
   if time > 0 then
      t.unban = ( ( time * 60 ) + os.time() )
      t.unban = 0
   if reason then
      t.reason = reason
   if name then
      t.name = name
   ULib.bans[ steamid ] = t
   ULib.fileWrite( ULib.BANS_FILE, ULib.makeKeyValues( ULib.bans ) )


   Function: unban

   Unbans the given steamid.


      steamid - The steamid to unban.


      v2.10 - Initial
function ULib.unban( steamid )
        --Default banlist
        if file.Exists( "cfg/banned_user.cfg", "GAME" ) then
                ULib.execFile( "cfg/banned_user.cfg", "GAME" )
        if ( sourcebans ) then
                sourcebans.UnbanPlayerBySteamID( steamid, "In game unban", nil)
                ULib.queueFunctionCall( game.ConsoleCommand, "removeid " .. steamid .. ";writeid\n" ) -- Execute after done loading bans
        --ULib banlist
        ULib.bans[ steamid ] = nil
        file.Write( ULib.BANS_FILE, ULib.makeKeyValues( ULib.bans ) )

local function doInvis()
   local players = player.GetAll()
   local remove = true
   for _, player in ipairs( players ) do
      local t = player:GetTable()
      if t.invis then
         remove = false
         if player:Alive() and player:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then
            if player:GetActiveWeapon() ~= t.invis.wep then
               timer.Simple( 0.05, function () ULib.invisible( player, true, t.invis.vis ) end )
               t.invis.wep = player:GetActiveWeapon()

   if remove then
      hook.Remove( "Think", "InvisThink" )

   Function: invisible

   Makes a user invisible


      ply - The player to affect.
      bool - Whether they're invisible or not
      visibility - *(Optional, defaults to 0)* A number from 0 to 255 for their visibility.


      v2.40 - Removes shadow when invisible
function ULib.invisible( ply, bool, visibility )
   if not ply:IsValid() then return end -- This is called on a timer so we need to verify they're still connected

   if bool then
      visibility = visibility or 0
      ply:DrawShadow( false )
      ply:SetMaterial( "models/effects/vol_light001" )
      ply:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA )
      ply:Fire( "alpha", visibility, 0 )
      ply:GetTable().invis = { vis=visibility, wep=ply:GetActiveWeapon() }

      if IsValid( ply:GetActiveWeapon() ) then
         ply:GetActiveWeapon():SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA )
         ply:GetActiveWeapon():Fire( "alpha", visibility, 0 )
         ply:GetActiveWeapon():SetMaterial( "models/effects/vol_light001" )
         if ply:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "gmod_tool" then
            ply:DrawWorldModel( false ) -- tool gun has problems
            ply:DrawWorldModel( true )

      hook.Add( "Think", "InvisThink", doInvis )
      ply:DrawShadow( true )
      ply:SetMaterial( "" )
      ply:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NORMAL )
      ply:Fire( "alpha", 255, 0 )
      local activeWeapon = ply:GetActiveWeapon()
      if IsValid( activeWeapon ) then
         activeWeapon:SetRenderMode( RENDERMODE_NORMAL )
         activeWeapon:Fire( "alpha", 255, 0 )
         activeWeapon:SetMaterial( "" )
      ply:GetTable().invis = nil

   Function: refreshBans

   Refreshes the ULib bans.
function ULib.refreshBans()
   local err
   if not ULib.fileExists( ULib.BANS_FILE ) then
      ULib.bans = {}
      ULib.bans, err = ULib.parseKeyValues( ULib.fileRead( ULib.BANS_FILE ) )

   if err then
      Msg( "Bans file was not formatted correctly. Attempting to fix and backing up original\n" )
      if err then
         Msg( "Error while reading bans file was: " .. err .. "\n" )
      Msg( "Original file was backed up to " .. ULib.backupFile( ULib.BANS_FILE ) .. "\n" )
      ULib.bans = {}

   local default_bans = ""
   if ULib.fileExists( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" ) then
      ULib.execFile( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" )
      ULib.queueFunctionCall( game.ConsoleCommand, "writeid\n" )
      default_bans = ULib.fileRead( "cfg/banned_user.cfg" )

   --default_bans = ULib.makePatternSafe( default_bans )
   default_bans = string.gsub( default_bans, "banid %d+ ", "" )
   default_bans = string.Explode( "\n", default_bans:gsub( "\r", "" ) )
   local ban_set = {}
   for _, v in pairs( default_bans ) do
      if v ~= "" then
         ban_set[ v ] = true
         if not ULib.bans[ v ] then
            ULib.bans[ v ] = { unban = 0 }

   for k, v in pairs( ULib.bans ) do
      if type( v ) == "table" and type( k ) == "string" then
         local time = ( v.unban - os.time() ) / 60
         if time > 0 then
            game.ConsoleCommand( string.format( "banid %f %s\n", time, k ) )
         elseif math.floor( v.unban ) == 0 then -- We floor it because GM10 has floating point errors that might make it be 0.1e-20 or something dumb.
            if not ban_set[ k ] then
               ULib.bans[ k ] = nil
            ULib.bans[ k ] = nil
         Msg( "Warning: Bad ban data is being ignored, key = " .. tostring( k ) .. "\n" )
         ULib.bans[ k ] = nil

   -- We're queueing this because it will split the load out for VERY large ban files
   ULib.queueFunctionCall( function() ULib.fileWrite( ULib.BANS_FILE, ULib.makeKeyValues( ULib.bans ) ) end )
ULib.pcallError( ULib.refreshBans )

   Function: getSpawnInfo

   Grabs and returns player information that can be used to respawn player with same health/armor as before the spawn.


      ply - The player to grab information for.


      Updates player object to store health and armor. Has no effect unless ULib.Spawn is used later.
function ULib.getSpawnInfo( player )
   local result = {}

   local t = {}
   player.ULibSpawnInfo = t
   t.health = player:Health()
   t.armor = player:Armor()
   if player:GetActiveWeapon():IsValid() then
      t.curweapon = player:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()

   local weapons = player:GetWeapons()
   local data = {}
   for _, weapon in ipairs( weapons ) do
      printname = weapon:GetClass()
      data[ printname ] = {}
      data[ printname ].clip1 = weapon:Clip1()
      data[ printname ].clip2 = weapon:Clip2()
      data[ printname ].ammo1 = player:GetAmmoCount( weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() )
      data[ printname ].ammo2 = player:GetAmmoCount( weapon:GetSecondaryAmmoType() )
   t.data = data

-- Helper function for ULib.spawn()
local function doWeapons( player, t )
   if not player:IsValid() then return end -- Drat, missed 'em.


   for printname, data in pairs( t.data ) do
      player:Give( printname )
      local weapon = player:GetWeapon( printname )
      weapon:SetClip1( data.clip1 )
      weapon:SetClip2( data.clip2 )
      player:SetAmmo( data.ammo1, weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() )
      player:SetAmmo( data.ammo2, weapon:GetSecondaryAmmoType() )

   if t.curweapon then
      player:SelectWeapon( t.curweapon )

   Function: spawn

   Enhanced spawn player. Can spawn player and return health/armor to status before the spawn. (Only IF ULib.getSpawnInfo was used previously.)
   Clears previously set values that were stored from ULib.getSpawnInfo.


      ply - The player to grab information for.
      bool - If true, spawn will set player information to values stored using ULib.SpawnInfo


      Spawns player. Sets health/armor to stored defaults if ULib.getSpawnInfo was used previously. Clears SpawnInfo table afterwards.
function ULib.spawn( player, bool )

   if bool and player.ULibSpawnInfo then
      local t = player.ULibSpawnInfo
      player:SetHealth( t.health )
      player:SetArmor( t.armor )
      timer.Simple( 0.1, function() doWeapons( player, t ) end )
      player.ULibSpawnInfo = nil

Hey. I just spent this morning setting this up for my 2 servers. Everything seemed to be working, but when I did a test ban, it said (CONSOLE) banned him on TF2. Anyone else with a similar problem? I can't seem to find what's wrong...

Also, when I ban in-game and then unban via the web panel it doesn't work.

this bug has been fixed in the newest version of ULX/ULib, so make sure you are running it aswell! :)

To SourceBans: I managed to get it working with this module found on FP here.

Hope I helped you, Avoid!

Avoid, if you got the fp version working, can I ask you a question? It says that ulx sb addon isn't supporting sb 2.0 and when I installed the 1.411 version it automatically updated to 2.0. The server.cfg needs to be changed, as stated there, to include the server id number. What I can see is 2.0 doesn't have a server id number. Did you have this problem? Thanks if you can help!


--- Quote from: Storm on July 16, 2014, 06:21:10 AM ---Avoid, if you got the fp version working, can I ask you a question? It says that ulx sb addon isn't supporting sb 2.0 and when I installed the 1.411 version it automatically updated to 2.0. The server.cfg needs to be changed, as stated there, to include the server id number. What I can see is 2.0 doesn't have a server id number. Did you have this problem? Thanks if you can help!

--- End quote ---
That is weird, Sbans did not update to 2.0 for me, so I sticked to version 1.4.11 and it just works fine.
You could try downloading the version 1.4.11 and see if that does the trick for you!



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