Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
Avoid, thanks so much for the suggestion! I installed a version from the sb site but the one you said works fine now!
have installed and i got no errors how i get the ban form gmod to the sourceban site?
you use the sban/sbanid command that comes with the sourcebans integration.
Also make sure you edited sban_mysql.lua with your MySQL connection info.
Okay, I know this thread is old but I've coded a few new features with this Sourcebans.lua!
I am not an advanced lua coder but the stuff I've coded in works well for my servers (GFL servers).
Download: http://gflclan.com/topic/5089-luasourcebanslua-new-features-by-roy/
* Automatically reconnects to Sourcebans when losing connection to MYSQL (without crashing the server).
* As long as the admin banning the user has a Sourcebans account, it will show up as their name (should fix the admins showing up as CONSOLE in Sourcebans).
* Server Specific admins should work.
* Server groups work now as well (Pull users from server groups. Example: "GFL Servers").
* If the MYSQL database goes down, banning people will go through regular server bans, once the MYSQL server is back up, Sourcebans will work again!
Feel free to edit my code to make it better or suitable for you. I would appreciate it if you post the edited code here so I can become a bit better in lua.
Hope this helps a lot of you!
Roy (Gamemann)
and now i get a error uniqueid "STEAM_0:0:......." not found (its a corect Steamid i have changed for anonym)
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