Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Sourcebans & ULX/ULib
Ok. Does it say something like this?
ServerLog: [12/21/12 13:14:19][SourceBans.lua] Loading Admin Groups . . .
[12/21/12 13:14:19][SourceBans.lua] Loading Admin Groups . . .
If it doesn't, it is not actually connecting to the database. When a player joins, does it say something like "error connecting to the database at db name db user USING PASSWORD: YES"?
If so, you must enable remote mySQL on your server from your game server IP/s, or make sure your database user information is correct. Trust me, I had many difficulties getting SourceBans working.
1st time I tried using this was before you rewrote the original post and I failed miserably, after that it was much easier to understand and it works perfectly on both my servers using the advanced method! big thumbs up for making this <3
not working for me I'm getting the following issue. And I'm fairly certain everything is correctly in place.
--- Quote ---[ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
// ULX Admin Mod //
// Loading... //
// sh_defines.lua //
// lib.lua //
// base.lua //
// sh_base.lua //
// log.lua //
// MODULE: slots.lua //
// MODULE: sourcebans_init.lua//
Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\mysqloo.lua' (File not found) (@addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua (line 24))
[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:24: Module not found!
1. require - [C]:-1
2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/includes/modules/sourcebans.lua:24
3. require - [C]:-1
4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5
5. include - [C]:-1
6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
7. include - [C]:-1
8. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
9. include - [C]:-1
10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
11. include - [C]:-1
12. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3
[ERROR] addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5: Module not found!
1. require - [C]:-1
2. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sourcebans_init.lua:5
3. include - [C]:-1
4. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/init.lua:28
5. include - [C]:-1
6. unknown - addons/ulx/lua/ulib/modules/ulx_init.lua:2
7. include - [C]:-1
8. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/init.lua:75
9. include - [C]:-1
10. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/autorun/ulib_init.lua:3
// MODULE: uteam.lua //
// MODULE: votemap.lua //
// MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
// ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
// Adding Main Modules.. //
// bans.lua //
// commands.lua //
// groups.lua //
// maps.lua //
// settings.lua //
// Adding Setting Modules.. //
// client.lua //
// server.lua //
// Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
// sandbox.lua //
// Loading Server Modules.. //
// sv_bans.lua //
// sv_groups.lua //
// sv_maps.lua //
// sv_sandbox.lua //
// sv_settings.lua //
// XGUI modules added! //
// MODULE: chat.lua //
// MODULE: fun.lua //
// MODULE: menus.lua //
// MODULE: rcon.lua //
// MODULE: teleport.lua //
// MODULE: user.lua //
// MODULE: userhelp.lua //
// MODULE: util.lua //
// MODULE: vote.lua //
// end.lua //
// Load Complete! //
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: goodman854 on December 23, 2012, 02:58:36 PM ---<clip>
Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\mysqloo.lua' (File not found)
--- End quote ---
Seems pretty obvious, either you didn't install mysqloo lua file properly, or, one of the library files it requires wasn't installed properly. mysqloo itself requires two dll files placed in a specific location according to their linked directions.
--- Quote from: Sidewaykill on December 20, 2012, 06:26:14 PM ---Ok. Does it say something like this?
ServerLog: [12/21/12 13:14:19][SourceBans.lua] Loading Admin Groups . . .
[12/21/12 13:14:19][SourceBans.lua] Loading Admin Groups . . .
If it doesn't, it is not actually connecting to the database. When a player joins, does it say something like "error connecting to the database at db name db user USING PASSWORD: YES"?
If so, you must enable remote mySQL on your server from your game server IP/s, or make sure your database user information is correct. Trust me, I had many difficulties getting SourceBans working.
--- End quote ---
Yup, it says:
--- Code: ---ServerLog: [Tue Dec 25 21:13:07 2012][SourceBans.lua] Starting the database.
Tue Dec 25 21:13:07 2012][SourceBans.lua] Starting the database.
ServerLog: [Tue Dec 25 21:13:08 2012][SourceBans.lua] Loading Admin Groups . . .
[Tue Dec 25 21:13:08 2012][SourceBans.lua] Loading Admin Groups . . .
--- End code ---
But when a player joins, no database error messages display.
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