Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Custom Chat Colors

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The colors don't work for TTT. It says your chat color has been set to [#,#,#] but it doesn't work.

yes I do that. I type !chatcolor nightmare 255 255 255. And type hi after that command and it never works

<Censor> I didn't even notice this, haven't checked here in a while. I'll start looking into it now. Sorry :L

EDIT by JamminR - Keep it clean here please Adult. We like to keep a family oriented environment for all ages.

Funny, I just had a similar idea! I'll have to check this out soon.

Bite That Apple:
This addon was not working correctly, and I was asked to fix it so in doing so I have fixed it and made the following changes to it:

Changed This:
ulx chatcolor # # #           - sets your chat color.
ulx setcolor <ply> # # #   - sets target's chat color, admin only
ulx removecolor <ply>      - removes target's chat color, admin only

to this

ulx chatcolor # # #           - sets your chat color.
ulx setchatcolor <ply> # # #   - sets target's chat color, admin only
ulx removechatcolor <ply>      - removes target's chat color, admin only


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