Author Topic: mblunk's list of suggestions  (Read 5327 times)

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Offline mblunk

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mblunk's list of suggestions
« on: November 16, 2006, 12:24:19 PM »
One night, when I had nothing to do, I came up with a list of things I'd like to see in ULX.
The commands I'd like to see are:

  • cloak <player>  -- Make a player invisible by changing their alpha to 0 for true invisibility.
  • uncloak <player>  -- Uncloak a person cloaked by the cloak command.
  • playermodel <player> <model>  -- Change the playermodel of the specified player.
  • giveswep <player> <SWEP filename>  -- Give the specified player a certain SWEP
  • stripweps <player>  -- Removes ALL weapons from a player, including the toolgun
  • mute <player> <time>  -- Sometimes, gimp spam can get annyoing. Use this to make them STFU.
  • jail <player> <time>  -- Spawn four jail walls around a player, make them static and remove them after the specified time.
  • ragdoll <player> <time>  -- Turns a player into a ragdoll for the specified time
  • propcount <player>  -- Will count the number of props/vehicles/ragdolls etc someone has spawned and print it in the console
  • notify "<message>" <time>  -- Creates a box with a certain message that is meant to last longer amounts of time that contains a basic reminder to people, such as "mblunk is the admin" and other things you want players to keep in mind.

Settings that go in the config INI that should be:

  • Curse word blocker, complete with an editable blocked words list
  • Spawn time, that sets how quickly a person can spawn props (like the spawn timer on the SWEP menu)
  • Prop protector, where player's physguns and tools only affect their own props
  • Deathmatch counter, where you can enable a counter that will count how many times a player kills someone then after an editable amount of kills has been reached, a proper punishment will be administered
  • Ping kicker setting, where every __ minutes or whenever a ping goes above __, the player with the highest ping will be kicked (won't affect admins)

And everything else:

  • Rule presets: it should come with a set of CFG files that will automatically set the rules to accomodate the type of server you are going to run then can be executed through the ULX menu
  • Some extra menu themes and skins, so you can make ULX's menu look nicer according to your personal taste
  • SWEP access list, where when a certain player has a certain access flag they can use all of the SWEPs on a pre-set admin-only list defined in the INI config, but if the player doesn't have that flag they will be sslayed when they pick up a SWEP on the admin-only list
  • Color arguments to csay

That's it for now, thank you for reading.

I have too much free time.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2006, 01:44:34 PM by mblunk »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: mblunk's list of suggestions
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 01:02:57 PM »
Hey, those are some great ideas! I especially like your ragdoll idea, very creative. :)
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Re: mblunk's list of suggestions
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 10:04:36 PM »
# giveswep <player> <SWEP filename>  -- Give the specified player a certain SWEP
# stripweps <player>  -- Removes ALL weapons from a player, including the toolgun

You can give SWEPS with my Script Manager plugin and you can strip all weapons with my "GD Pack" plugin. The other ideas are great though.  ;)

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Re: mblunk's list of suggestions
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2006, 03:57:14 PM »
mblunk, saw you join my server earlier today. You mentioned suggestions, stood in front of me while I was trying to weld something. I told you to 'move'.
You left before I got a chance to ask what you had said.

Some of your ideas are being implimented.
I can't say that they are being implimented due to your suggestion, but, I can't say they aren't either.

    * cloak <player>
    * uncloak <player> --  Megiddo is working on a !invisible # and !uninvisible. # will be an alpha level.

    * playermodel <player> <model>  -- I THINK I saw him working on this.

    * giveswep <player> <SWEP filename> -- SPBogie has written USwep in releases,
    * stripweps <player>  -- SPBogie has written USwep in releases, and Megiddo is working on a way to enable/disable toolguns. Perhaps he'll incorporate this too.

    * mute <player> <time>  -- Status unknown

    * jail <player> <time>  -- Status Unknown - I've seen a Swep that does this though. Doubtful it would be added to ULX or ULib

    * ragdoll <player> <time>  -- I've seen Megiddo working with this.

    * propcount <player>  -- I've seen Megiddo working on this. Megiddo was running into a Gmod lua challenge, that is, a lua binding that appeared incomplete.

    * notify "<message>" <time>  -- Status unknown. Personaly, I doubt it. advert and Cadvert can be used, even if not held for a variable amount of time. most recent release of ULib did include consecutive timer capability though. I'm not sure its used yet.

Settings that go in the config INI that should be:

    * Curse word blocker, -- Status Unknown. I've seen Megiddo speak of such code, though, I believe it would be a module release more so than an addition to ULX directly.

    * Spawn time, that sets how quickly a person can spawn props
    * Prop protector, where player's physguns and tools only affect their own props -- Status unknown - Though, we are working with a scaled down propprotector. Would have a new access level, and would only protect those you added, much like the old prop protector in ULX v1 (but this one would WORK 99% of the time) :P

    * Deathmatch counter -- Status unknown

    * Ping kicker setting,  -- Status Unknown

And everything else:

    * Rule presets: it should come with a set of CFG files that will automatically set the rules to accomodate the type of server you are going to run then can be executed through the ULX menu -- Already included in ULX 2.21 - build.cfg and deathmatch.cfg .. can be executed in game, or, set in the <mapname.ini> to execute on certain maps. ACTUALLY, ulx exec has been in ULX for quite a while, we've just never included .cfg files before.

    * Some extra menu themes and skins, so you can make ULX's menu look nicer according to your personal taste -- We are Borg of ULX. You will be assimilated. All joking aside, the menu system is modular. Just have to know where to edit the code.
*(I could be wrong on this, it was _meant_ to be modular, but Megiddo/Spbogie have been discussing menu redesign)

    * SWEP access list -- See SPBogie's USwep. Won't slay, but has different access levels, and more can be added.

    * Color arguments to csay-- Status unknown
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: mblunk's list of suggestions
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2006, 08:16:43 PM »
Wow JamminR, that must've taken some time. :)

You're pretty much right on all, but I thought I'd clarify some:
cloak/uncloak - Finished, working 100%
playermodel - Wasn't really planning on it, and if I did, you'd choose from a menu of available models... to much risk of a crash.
mute - Finished, working 100%
jail - 50%, will be in next ULX most likely
ragdoll - 90%, still wants to crash the server sometimes
propcount - I saw a lua interface that looks like it was supposed to do this, but alas, it doesn't function properly. Not likely to be in next ULX.
curse blocker - Every time I start working on it, I realize what an immense project it would be without the full regex library and drop it.
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Re: mblunk's list of suggestions
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2006, 06:49:48 AM »
Could you add more options to the clean command to remove Dynamite?
Also if you could add a cleanup on the client menu would be great as well. That way you can cleanup 1 persons crap without destroying everybody elses stuff.

I also have a sort of related question, is there a console command to remove your stuff, so I can do a cexec command to cleanup peoples rubbish?

Cheers, and keep up the great work !!

Offline Terminal58

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Re: mblunk's list of suggestions
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2006, 07:58:11 PM »
curse blocker - Every time I start working on it, I realize what an immense project it would be without the full regex library and drop it.
String.replace tires me out too. *giggle*

Go look up your 500 swear words NUB!@!

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