Ulysses Stuff > Releases
TempAdd (v2.4) - Add a user to another group for a set amount of time
You put a period (.) after your tempadd "P" = P.
Your addgroup "V.I.P" has no period after P
Seems Tempadd is working fine, you apparently just have no group named "V.I.P.", only "V.I.P" (no period)
Case sensitivity and Syntax is everything in lua.
Ok , so after testing :
vip , v.i.p and v.i.p. worked fine
VIP , V.I.P and V.I.P. don't work so MAJ are not working
But the other work great so i use vip classic :o
I'm got a other little probleme , i'm got a donation system (gmdonate) and i want to integrate the ulx addtempuserid , the original code is :
ULib.ucl.addUser( User:SteamID(), allows, denies, ( ActionData[ 1 ] or "" ) );
and i test remplacing by :
ulx.tempadduserid( User:SteamID(), ( ActionData[ 1 ] or "" ), 1235, ( ActionData[ 1 ] or "" ) ); (no error but dont work)
ULib.ucl.tempadduserid( User:SteamID(), ( ActionData[ 1 ] or "" ), 1235, ( ActionData[ 1 ] or "" ) ); (gmdonate/actions/ulx_usergroup.lua:7: attempt to call field 'tempadduserid' (a nil value) )
If you have an issue that will help me a lot =)
Without looking at my code, I wouldn't know... but I may have it run the input through a string.Lower since best practice dictates that group names should be lowercase anyway.
That would account for v.i.p working but V.I.P not.
Update: That's what I did. For this to work properly, you'll need team names that are all lowercase.
I get this error when i use the !menu version AND the console command:
(put in lua context because it looks cooler!)
--- Code: ---Lua Error: [ERROR] addons/ulx_tempadduser/lua/ulx/modules/sh/ulxtempuser.lua:166: Group does not exist for adding user to (twitch donator)
1. tempfuncadd - [C]:-1
2. addUser - addons/ulx/lua/ulx/xgui/server/sv_groups.lua:48
3. call - addons/ulx_tempadduser/lua/ulx/modules/sh/ulxtempuser.lua:166
4. __fn - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:943
5. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1296
6. Run - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54
7. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/commands.lua:1310
8. unknown - lua/includes/modules/concommand.lua:54
--- End code ---
EDIT-JAMMINR-Feel free to put it in code block, but not Lua, and use carriage returns instead of all one line.
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