Ulysses Stuff > Releases
TempAdd (v2.4) - Add a user to another group for a set amount of time
This is really nice, but I have 2 things I would like to say about this.
1. I noticed that older "tempadd" commands appear to take priority over newer, longer commands. Of course, I am not a master at reading Gmod's console with HLSW so idk what i saw really... and given my main pc died today I can't pull up the log...
2. Have you considered adding the following feature: To remember what rank the user was, and returning the user to that rank after said user has expired his rank? (thus making the fourth "rank" parameter optional). This would be handy in some cases, none of said cases come to mind at this point in time (which for me is 3 in the morning unless my laptop time is off again).
I don't understand what you mean in your first situation.
rainbow Dash:
Allow me to explain with a hypothetical.
At 9:22 AM, the console makes a player named Rainbow a Super Admin for 5 minutes, thus making him due for demotion at 9:27 AM
At 9:25 AM, the console makes Rainbow a Super Admin for 15 minutes, thus making him due for demotion at 9:40 AM
At 9:27 AM, the addon automatically demotes Rainbow down to the specified rank of the first command.
At 9:40 AM, the addon attempts to repeat its prior action, as specified by the second command.
Hi :D.
I'm getting this Error http://gyazo.com/efda807dc100d8815f61f465f8594ea3 And I cant see why I'm getting it.
Its everytime I, lets say I set a random guy to go from the group user to admin in 30 min. Then he leave 10 min in. Next time he rejoin I get this error and he will not be promoted?
I don't know if this have already been thrown out there. So if it have and there is found a fix for it then plz tell me :)
Thanks :D
Edit. I can see that this have already been reported above soooo :P
Fixed the bug everyone was posting about. It was total oversight on my part. After loading the epoch time that the player should have their group changed when they joined the server I forgot to change it from a string format to a number format. This wouldn't have affected any player who had their group change back before disconnecting but it would have errored on any player who left and rejoined.
Also @rainbow dash: If you set a new temp group for a player it completely overrides the previous one. Your scenario is impossible. I'm not sure what you saw, it might have been related to the error I fixed though. Try it out now.
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