Ulysses Stuff > Releases

TempAdd (v2.4) - Add a user to another group for a set amount of time

<< < (16/28) > >>

Were you able to replicate this? Are you sure you didn't put in 10 minutes by accident? What value did you put in for the time value?

I just tried to add someone else to operator for 3 hours (180 minute)
scroller would only let me go up to 100, so I typed in the text box "180" and it defaulted to 100.

This error only occurs with the XGUI menu. Console commands work fine (: I'll stick with console then.

Oh, yeah.. I'm not sure how XGUI works. Just stick with console commands. :)

i tryed to use the function in my automated donation system.
But i also had problems that players only get the donation rank for a few minutes.

i try to call it like this

--- Code: ---ulx.tempadduser(ply, ply, "donator", 87660, "user")
--- End code ---

im not the best with lua, hope you guys can help me.
Also thanks for that awesome plugin!


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