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AWarn 3.4 - Robust warning system

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It's possible. I'll have to write in a way to do it though. Since I am using 64bit SteamIDs you will need to use a converter to get their 64bit SteamID.

I use this.. http://steamidfinder.com/

Once I add it in, it'll be something like this:
ulx seewarnsbyid <64bit steam id>


--- Quote from: MrPresident on January 15, 2013, 10:56:07 PM ---It's possible. I'll have to write in a way to do it though. Since I am using 64bit SteamIDs you will need to use a converter to get their 64bit SteamID.

I use this.. http://steamidfinder.com/

Once I add it in, it'll be something like this:
ulx seewarnsbyid <64bit steam id>

--- End quote ---

Mr P: Simple solution suggestion, save the regular SteamID in the file along with the other values.

Each entry is a separate file. If I did that, the script would have to open up each file in order until it found the the right steamid.

Is there any way we can get MySQL support?

I have no intentions of making this compatible with MySQL at this time.


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