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AWarn 3.4 - Robust warning system
--- Quote from: MrPresident on January 16, 2013, 03:25:45 PM ---Each entry is a separate file. If I did that, the script would have to open up each file in order until it found the the right steamid.
--- End quote ---
could you not just have a table that links the steam id with the normal 64bit steam id so the game can tell steam id = the 64 bit one ?
ps: i don't mean steamid:0:0:533216 = 5251627321
Not working :l
--- Quote from: Boncey on February 01, 2013, 12:34:11 PM ---Not working :l
--- End quote ---
Care to elaborate? Are you getting any errors?
Not working :|
--- Code: ---] ulx_warnkick_ban 1
] ulx_warnkick_bantime 60
] ulx_warnkick_decayrate 25
] ulx_warnkick_num 2
] ulx_warnkick_decayrate
"ulx_warnkick_decayrate" = "25" ( def. "" )
server_can_execute clientcmd_can_execute
- Minutes a player needs to be connected before their warning count is decreased by 1.
] ulx_warnkick_decayrate 30
] ulx_warnkick_decayrate
"ulx_warnkick_decayrate" = "30" ( def. "" )
server_can_execute clientcmd_can_execute
- Minutes a player needs to be connected before their warning count is decreased by 1.
] ulx warn "Mistah Mee" Test
You warned Yourself (Test)
AWarn: You were warned by (Mistah Mee) for: Test
] ulx warn "Mistah Mee" Test
You warned Yourself (Test)
AWarn: You were warned by (Mistah Mee) for: Test
] ulx warn "Mistah Mee" Test
Disconnect: Warning threshold exceeded.
Disconnect: Warning threshold exceeded.
--- End code ---
So it doesn't ban as it should and it doesn't trigger on the number I set not sure if bantime works because it won't ban.
Edit#1: What I mean by not working is it isn't allowing itself to be customized. I uses the default settings it came with.
1. It kicks ALWAYS.
2. It only works after 3 warns.
3. I haven't changed the refresh rate but I imagine it's stuck at 30 minutes.
4. Haven't had the chance to see if it will use a custom ban time.
I'll have to look into this a little more. Thanks for posting the log
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