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AWarn 3.4 - Robust warning system

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Yeah, sorry about that. You can simply remove or comment out that line and it will no longer spam your console with that message.

Can anyone help?
im trying to do one thing so after warning someone it will show how much warns you got.

tried something like

function ulx.warn( calling_ply, target_ply, reason )
local warn_num = target_ply.warntable["wcount"]
   if reason and reason ~= "" then
      ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, "#A warned #T (#s) | Warn's: (" ..warn_num.. ")/3",  target_ply, reason )

anyway tried lots of things. nothing worked.


--- Quote from: Ramirex on January 03, 2014, 05:31:59 PM ---Can anyone help?
im trying to do one thing so after warning someone it will show how much warns you got.

tried something like

function ulx.warn( calling_ply, target_ply, reason )
local warn_num = target_ply.warntable["wcount"]
   if reason and reason ~= "" then
      ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, "#A warned #T (#s) | Warn's: (" ..warn_num.. ")/3",  target_ply, reason )

anyway tried lots of things. nothing worked.

--- End quote ---

You need to convert the table to a string

--- Code: ---local warn_num = tostring(target_ply.warntable["wcount"])
--- End code ---

If the person you're warning has had no warnings, the table will return nil, so you'll have to set up a fallback.

Is it possible to do so when a player got banned for max warnings, then when he come back he will have 0 active warnings?

Warns still aren't decaying correctly. It seems that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't decay. Maybe if someone disconnects before the warning decays, it doesn't remove it? Or possibly mapchange/server restart.


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