Author Topic: Help with configuring logs  (Read 2034 times)

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Help with configuring logs
« on: March 05, 2013, 06:05:41 AM »
Hello, i would like to make it so insted of the normal way of logging where it will make a new log file each day i would like to make it so it only logs all server activity in a single file. I want to do this so i can create my own script that will pull ips steam ids and usernames out of this file and neatly organize it into a seperate file. How do i change the log configuration so it only logs in one file? for any one wondering ive had people crashing my server lately and would like to have their info on a txt file so i can ban them. I really dont feel like digging through a huge blob of text eather.

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Re: Help with configuring logs
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2013, 02:06:22 PM »
ULX doesn't have a one log option, so, disable ULX logging if you don't want day by day.

Source servers, including Gmod, I believe follow the standard Source cfg log configuration options.
Found this via Google on Facepunch actually.
Code: [Select]
// start server logging

log on
// enable or disable server logging. on is on off is off
sv_logbans 1
// Log server bans in the server logs
sv_logecho 1
// Echo log information to the console. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_logfile 1
// Log server information in the log file. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_log_onefile 0
// log everything in one file

// end server logging

Now, before you go off and do that, be warned.
The file can/will grow HUGE.
Once it starts getting starts slowing down the server because the server has to read to the end of the file for every update of the log that it does.
(This is one main reason why we split up logs into daily parts...besides, we track SteamID, and I'm pretty sure IP addresses, of folks who join/leave if you choose to in XGui)
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