Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions

Echo Admin Commands to Admins only

<< < (3/10) > >>

cookie for me >: )


--- Quote from: nathan736 on February 11, 2013, 10:09:56 AM ---https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/blob/master/ulx/lua/ulx/log.lua#L351
cookie for me >: )

--- End quote ---
Yeah, but can you update the code, then you can have a cake :D

i cant because it would create a fork and i dont want that and it's more of a personal preference at this point so it might involve adding convar for it so people can change it to anonymous or something lol

Stickly Man!:
I've talked to Megiddo about this, and he seems fine with it, so we will be adding this feature (time permitted). I need to get an issue created on our issues page as well, but.. for now just know that it's on our radar!

The eventual echo modes will end up something like this:

--- Code: ---; Echo modes:
; 0 - OFF No output to any players when an admin command is used
; 1 - ADMINS Output to admins only.
; 2 - ANONYMOUS Output to players without access to see who used the command (admins by default) similar to "(Someone) slapped Bob with 0 damage"
; 3 - FULL Output to players similar to "Foo slapped Bob with 0 damage"
--- End code ---

Would it not be easier/more backwards compatible for us to just 'add' the option.
Leave current 0,1,2 as is, and add the option 3?


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