Author Topic: Gmod13 GUI is atrocious  (Read 3602 times)

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Gmod13 GUI is atrocious
« on: February 16, 2013, 01:21:49 PM »
So, for first time in about a year, I loaded up Gmod.
Tried poking around in single player.

I can barely see anything in Gmod.
I have a vision impairment that makes it difficult for me with contrast issues.
So, when every screen I look at uses a 1 pixel wide dark font on a HUGE GLARING WHITE BACKGROUND menu, I have to get a hand magnifier and hold it up to the screen just to be able to read it.
It's even worse when some menus/info screens use LIGHT GREY on WHITE background.
I can't see the players on a server scoreboard.

I miss Gmod's old days where it was standard Source 'white' on 'Dark Grey' menus.
Is there an option to go back to that?
I see where I can find a server listing to use the old one.
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Re: Gmod13 GUI is atrocious
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 01:50:00 PM »
Garry updated from VGUI/DERMA to GWEN which is his own clientside object interface system.

There is no way to change the themes back to the old way without going in and editing the source lua files manually.

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Re: Gmod13 GUI is atrocious
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 02:31:28 PM »
As I somewhat expected.
I hope he comes out with a theme system, and someone offers an 'obsidian' theme like Steam has.
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Re: Gmod13 GUI is atrocious
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 08:29:07 PM »
So, I tried cheating, used GCFSCape to extract Gmod's source png files for materials/gwenskin, and edited them in hopes that changing all the BRIGHT larger squares to darker ones, then placing them in a addons/Jams_Skin/materials/gwenskin along with /addons/Jams_Skin/addon.txt with a 'override' '1' in it would change the backgrounds.

Much to my non-surprise, it didn't work.
Nothing (that I could tell) changed.

I poked in some resource folder .res files and saw SOME color settings, but none that stood out to me and said 'I'm what you need to change'.
Or, even if that would work if I placed them in an addon folder.

Can the 'default' Q menus be changed?
Anyone point me to better directions?
I really hate using the spawn categories/tools/utils/options Q menu in game...I can't read the titles of text due to it being so hard to see for me against the big huge white glaring backgrounds.

(I admit, may end up needing to move this to dev corner)
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Re: Gmod13 GUI is atrocious
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2013, 11:19:19 PM »
Well I did some looking around and found this...

I also found a link to what looks like a theme editor for Gmod on the front page of facepunch  ( ) but the link leads to no where... ( )

But later I found...

So maybe you would want to take a look?
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