Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Player Connect/Disconnect Message [1.11v]

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--- Quote from: Bite That Apple on June 25, 2015, 01:44:40 PM ---Going on from the above, if you want to add custom files, never put sound files you want to use directly in the sound folder (garrysmod/sound), because chances are, something may already exist. You need to make a new sound folder in my addon (garrysmod/addons/apple_join_disconnect_warning/sound/NEWFOLDERNAME (and be creative)), and put the sound files in there. After that, in the sv_player.lua you need to put this line resource.AddFile("") under the AddCSLuaFile( "cl_player.lua"  ), and for the resource line, you need to add the directory of the new sound ( resource.AddFile("sound/NEWFOLDERNAME/soundfile.mp3") ), and then also change the surface.PlaySound("") in cl_player.lua, and that will all work.

--- End quote ---

I did everything as you wrote, but the custom files sound still does not play

Bite That Apple:

--- Quote from: Orbina on September 22, 2016, 02:47:27 AM ---I did everything as you wrote, but the custom files sound still does not play

--- End quote ---

Personally, I don't like adding sounds directly to garry's mod since Source itself has a specific way it likes sounds. You need to have the sound file at a certain setting, etc.

Hi, I was going to start a new topic but I figured id just ask here and hopefully get a reply faster. For this addon, is there a way I can change it so that only superadmins can see the ip's? As i think it will cause some problems.

1) First - why? Do you not trust your admin level staff? Admin in Gmod carries lots of access. If you're worried about admins seeing IP addresses of players that, as an admin, most people expect to help maintain a server, you aren't seeing a forrest surrounding the tree you are looking at.

1) Basic Gmod lua programming - we strongly encourage people to learn it here.
Really, this one is a fun one to learn from. Learning this one Gmod lua player function check might help you fix other items you've always wanted superadmin only (but, really, seriously, think about my #1 first)
Two files. I found one line logic statement with my experienced eyes in 10 seconds.
( Hint - Where, v or other variable letter is almost always the player being checked, if v:IsAdmin() then ... )
You can have little programming knowledge at all and likely have figured out where to edit, perhaps not HOW to edit (Hint, Player:IsSuperAdmin), but definitely where to edit.


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