Author Topic: New Life Rule  (Read 2458 times)

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New Life Rule
« on: February 14, 2013, 02:17:27 PM »
Right, i've made my own new life rule system but I kinda need help. I saw this mod on the forums for Garrys Mod.org, basically it makes a timer and makes them wait 15 seconds before accepting. If anyone can help me it'd be appericated, it's pretty simple.

Code: [Select]
local message = "You have died and forgotten everything that has happened to you. This includes where you died, and who killed you.\nYou can't come back to the place you died for 10 minutes!"

if CLIENT then
    function showDeathNotice()
        Derma_Query(message, "New Life Rule", "I agree")
    concommand.Add("showdeathnotice", showDeathNotice)
    hook.Add("DoPlayerDeath", "showDeathNotice", function(ply)