Author Topic: Fixing Vehicles?  (Read 2127 times)

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Offline Mindless

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Fixing Vehicles?
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:52:24 PM »
Basically, i'm having trouble with my vehicle script and it's to turn on third person mode. I tried asking my friends that .lua script for help but I can't find a solution. This line is the error: if gmod_vehicle_viewmode:GetInt() == 1 then i'm trying to get Sickness Car Models work on my server and this is the only thing that's causing it. I've read this: - but i'm still quite unsure how to do it.

Code: [Select]
local function TraceVehicleVeiw( Start, End , Filter)
  local trace = {}
                trace.start = Start
                trace.endpos = End
                trace.filter = Filter
  local tr = util.TraceLine( trace )
return tr.HitPos

function DoVehicleVeiw( player, origin, angles, fov )
if player:InVehicle() and player.VehicleViewMod then
local VeiwMod = player.VehicleViewMod
 if gmod_vehicle_viewmode:GetInt() == 1 then
        if VeiwMod.ThirdOut and VeiwMod.ThirdUp then
            local vehicle = player:GetVehicle()
                local view = {}
                view.angles = angles
                local End = origin - ( angles:Forward() * VeiwMod.ThirdOut ) + ( angles:Up() * VeiwMod.ThirdUp )
                view.origin = TraceVehicleVeiw( vehicle:GetPos() , End , VeiwMod.Filter )
        return view
        if VeiwMod.FirstPos then
        local Pos = VeiwMod.FirstPos
        local view = {}
                view.angles = angles
                view.origin = origin + ( angles:Forward() * Pos.x ) + ( angles:Right() * Pos.y ) + ( angles:Up() * Pos.z )
        return view
hook.Add("CalcView", "DoVehicleVeiw", DoVehicleVeiw)

local AntiCmdSpam = CurTime()
local function VehicleBlindPress( ply, bind, pressed )
if ply:InVehicle() then
        if string.find( bind, "impulse 100" )then if AntiCmdSpam + 0.8 <  CurTime() then RunConsoleCommand("ToggleHeadLights") AntiCmdSpam = CurTime() end return true end
        if string.find( bind, "+reload" )then if AntiCmdSpam + 0.5 <  CurTime() then RunConsoleCommand("HonkHorn") AntiCmdSpam = CurTime() end return true end
hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "VehicleBlindPress", VehicleBlindPress)