mblunk, saw you join my server earlier today. You mentioned suggestions, stood in front of me while I was trying to weld something. I told you to 'move'.
You left before I got a chance to ask what you had said.
Some of your ideas are being implimented.
I can't say that they are being implimented due to your suggestion, but, I can't say they aren't either.
* cloak <player>
* uncloak <player> --
Megiddo is working on a !invisible # and !uninvisible. # will be an alpha level. * playermodel <player> <model> --
I THINK I saw him working on this. * giveswep <player> <SWEP filename> --
SPBogie has written USwep in releases, * stripweps <player> --
SPBogie has written USwep in releases, and Megiddo is working on a way to enable/disable toolguns. Perhaps he'll incorporate this too. * mute <player> <time> --
Status unknown * jail <player> <time> --
Status Unknown - I've seen a Swep that does this though. Doubtful it would be added to ULX or ULib * ragdoll <player> <time> --
I've seen Megiddo working with this. * propcount <player> --
I've seen Megiddo working on this. Megiddo was running into a Gmod lua challenge, that is, a lua binding that appeared incomplete. * notify "<message>" <time> --
Status unknown. Personaly, I doubt it. advert and Cadvert can be used, even if not held for a variable amount of time. most recent release of ULib did include consecutive timer capability though. I'm not sure its used yet.Settings that go in the config INI that should be:
* Curse word blocker, --
Status Unknown. I've seen Megiddo speak of such code, though, I believe it would be a module release more so than an addition to ULX directly. * Spawn time, that sets how quickly a person can spawn props
* Prop protector, where player's physguns and tools only affect their own props --
Status unknown - Though, we are working with a scaled down propprotector. Would have a new access level, and would only protect those you added, much like the old prop protector in ULX v1 (but this one would WORK 99% of the time) 
* Deathmatch counter --
Status unknown * Ping kicker setting, --
Status UnknownAnd everything else:
* Rule presets: it should come with a set of CFG files that will automatically set the rules to accomodate the type of server you are going to run then can be executed through the ULX menu --
Already included in ULX 2.21 - build.cfg and deathmatch.cfg .. can be executed in game, or, set in the <mapname.ini> to execute on certain maps. ACTUALLY, ulx exec has been in ULX for quite a while, we've just never included .cfg files before.
* Some extra menu themes and skins, so you can make ULX's menu look nicer according to your personal taste --
We are Borg of ULX. You will be assimilated. All joking aside, the menu system is modular. Just have to know where to edit the code.
*(I could be wrong on this, it was _meant_ to be modular, but Megiddo/Spbogie have been discussing menu redesign) * SWEP access list --
See SPBogie's USwep. Won't slay, but has different access levels, and more can be added. * Color arguments to csay--
Status unknown