I've being using this script to reposition a world model, it works perfectly however, i had one issue. I am using this for the ttt gamemode and when the weapon is dropped it causes the world model to freeze in place for anyone who was looking at the world model however the person dropping it sees it fall no problem. Does anyone know how i can modify this code to make it so the world model actually falls?
SWEP.Offset = {
Pos = {
Up = 0,
Right = 1,
Forward = -3,
Ang = {
Up = 0,
Right = 0,
Forward = 0,
function SWEP:DrawWorldModel( )
local hand, offset, rotate
if not IsValid( self.Owner ) then
self:DrawModel( )
if not self.Hand then
self.Hand = self.Owner:LookupAttachment( "anim_attachment_rh" )
hand = self.Owner:GetAttachment( self.Hand )
if not hand then
self:DrawModel( )
offset = hand.Ang:Right( ) * self.Offset.Pos.Right + hand.Ang:Forward( ) * self.Offset.Pos.Forward + hand.Ang:Up( ) * self.Offset.Pos.Up
hand.Ang:RotateAroundAxis( hand.Ang:Right( ), self.Offset.Ang.Right )
hand.Ang:RotateAroundAxis( hand.Ang:Forward( ), self.Offset.Ang.Forward )
hand.Ang:RotateAroundAxis( hand.Ang:Up( ), self.Offset.Ang.Up )
self:SetRenderOrigin( hand.Pos + offset )
self:SetRenderAngles( hand.Ang )
self:DrawModel( )