TTT Round Music - 1.0
This addon basically plays music during rounds based on the amount of innocents left.
To use this addon without changing anything, you must have
L4D2's sound/music folder on your server.
Or, if you're using this on a listen server, just have L4D2
As for clients, you can make them download it from your server or just have them go download the files from
mediafire or something.
How to use:Innocents die.
Features:- ULX Commands
- StopRS - Stops the currently playing round sound.
- StopRSAll - Stops the currently playing round sound for all.
- Editable sounds
- Have L4D2? Great, just mount it to hear pre-looped sounds!
Known Bugs:- The first round of the map may glitch out and not play sounds correctly. [Common]
- Sometimes, the sound glitches out and plays twice. Use !stoprs to stop one of them. [Uncommon]
- Certain sweps may start having glitched sounds. [Very Rare]