Author Topic: AAFK 4 - Anti-AFK Plugin for Garry's Mod  (Read 5886 times)

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AAFK 4 - Anti-AFK Plugin for Garry's Mod
« on: February 16, 2018, 02:42:36 PM »
Anti-AFK Version 4.0

This script monitors a players movements and actions on a server to attempt to determine if they are AFK. If they are found to be AFK it will tag them as such (client-side graphical).
Optionally (enabled by default) you can have the script kick players who have been afk for a certain number of minutes.

Installation Instructions:
Subscribe to the addon on the Steam Workshop. Once you've started your server, you can modify the default settings through your server console. See ConVars below.

Console Variables:
aafk_enabled - ( Default: 1 ) - Is AAFK enabled? (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
aafk_flagminutes - ( Default: 5 ) - How long (in minutes) the player needs to be away before being flagged as AFK
aafk_kickminutes - ( Default: 10 ) - How long (in minutes) the player needs to be away before being kicked (if kicking is enabled).
aafk_ignoreadmins - ( Default: 0 ) - Should AAFK ignore admins? (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
aafk_kickenabled - ( Default: 1 ) - Should AAFK kick players who have remained AFK? (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
aafk_kickonlywhenfull - ( Default: 0 ) - If kicking is enabled, should AAFK only kick players when the server is full? (0 - No, 1 - Yes)
aafk_displayafkinchat - ( Default: 1 ) - Should it be announced to chat when a player goes AFK or returns from AFK? (0 - No, 1 - Yes)

Further Configuration:
If you are running ULX, you can give players or groups the ability to be ignored by the system. This also requires for aafk_ignoreadmins to be set to 1.

ulx groupallow [group] aafk_immunity
ulx userallow [user] aafk_immunity

Questions or Comments? Please comment!