Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Give Weapon Addon [1.08v]
This met be a noob question! :) Is there a command to give all player or group the same weapon and ammo, instead of doing it one by one? Also is there an way to add a drop down box with all the weapon list in give weapon?
Bite That Apple:
--- Quote from: notownz on October 09, 2014, 04:07:34 AM ---This met be a noob question! :) Is there a command to give all player or group the same weapon and ammo, instead of doing it one by one? Also is there an way to add a drop down box with all the weapon list in give weapon?
--- End quote ---
It's been a long time since I messed with this, so w/e the command is atm, I think it's !givegun or !giveweapon then do !givegun * GUN_NAME or !giveweapon * GUN_NAME. If that doesn't work, you can get back to me. There is a way to do the drop down menu, I just haven't had time to do it yet.
Thanks for the fast reply. I will test it out.
Thank You
The command works. Just a heads up for anyone looking for the commands to give weapon to everyone.
Give Command. "(*) represent everyone"
!give * weapon_rpg (you give everyone rpg)
!give notownz weapon_rpg (you give notownz rpg)
Default Weapons Name
weapon_frag, weapon_357, weapon_pistol, weapon_rpg, weapon_smg1, weapon_crowbar, weapon_shotgun, weapon_fists, weapon_crossbow, weapon_ar2.
You can also add other weapon but you need to know the weapon name, you can usually find it in the lua file.
Bite That Apple:
It's on my todo list, that I change the file and make a dropdown menu.... so yeah.
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