Author Topic: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB  (Read 4593 times)

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Offline Robert7301201

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Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« on: June 02, 2013, 03:44:49 PM »
I have attempted several times to get ULX to work.
I downloaded ULib to my addon folder from this link:
I downloaded ULX to my addon folder from this link:

In Ulib folder I have a Data folder, a Lua Folder, a addon.txt and a Ulibreadme.txt
In ULX folder I have a Data folder, a Lua folder, a addon.txt, a ulxmotd.txt, and a ulxreadme.txt.
Everything appears to have installed correctly. The console just doesn't seem to load ULX.

This is my console:

Code: [Select]
66.0 fps  0/24 on map     gm_flatgrass
Console initialized.
ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Game.dll loaded for "Garry's Mod"
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Logging into anonymous gameserver account.
Fetching Workshop Addons..
Calling GetCollectionDetails
Collection has 56 Addons
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:2440908804(3448)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
Mounting Addon 'Bang You're Dead W/ icon' (122279631)
Mounting Addon 'Battlefield 3 SCars' (133000698)
Mounting Addon 'Better Water Effects' (107901100)
Mounting Addon 'Buoyancy Tool' (104818321)
Mounting Addon 'Cannon Tool!' (121710536)
Mounting Addon 'CS:Source Driveable Vehicles' (104651870)
Mounting Addon 'Customizable Weaponry' (143193342)
Mounting Addon 'Door STool' (104479467)
Mounting Addon 'City Build' (144012680)
Mounting Addon 'GB-Radial menu V2.0' (111469042)
Mounting Addon 'Gesture Menu & Commands Version 2.4' (145939873)
Mounting Addon 'Hit Numbers' (110871780)
Mounting Addon 'Battlefield 2 SCars' (138029970)
Mounting Addon 'Easy Animation Tool' (104604709)
Mounting Addon 'Fading Doors' (105115318)
Mounting Addon 'Nightvision mod' (138163375)
Mounting Addon 'Nyan Gun' (123277559)
Mounting Addon 'PAC3' (104691717)
Mounting Addon 'Physical Bullets' (120193884)
Mounting Addon 'PlayX 2.7.5' (106516163)
Mounting Addon 'Playable Piano' (104548572)
Mounting Addon 'Meteor Shower' (138376105)
Mounting Addon 'Player C-Leaning' (143907278)
Mounting Addon 'Player Pull Up' (141307227)
Mounting Addon 'Player Rappeling' (144580094)
Mounting Addon 'Player Water Floating' (140862408)
Mounting Addon 'Portable Earthquake' (137175121)
Mounting Addon 'Portal 1 and 2 Turrets' (123279188)
Mounting Addon 'Minecraft Hostile Mobs' (144566644)
Mounting Addon 'Minecraft SWEP' (116592647)
Mounting Addon 'Minecraft Sword SWEP' (136555165)
Mounting Addon 'More NPC Weapons' (127291147)
Mounting Addon 'Piratecat's Minecraft Friendly Mob SNPC' (132665184)
Mounting Addon 'Resizer' (116892991)
Mounting Addon 'SCars Basic' (104487316)
Aborting HTTP request because we received a response with a content-length over
64M and we are not streamingDownload Failed!
Mounting Addon 'SCars Extra' (104492363)
Mounting Addon 'SCars Slim' (104483020)
Mounting Addon 'Sad Violin Death Sound' (138064846)
Mounting Addon 'SligWolf`s GoKart' (105150660)
Mounting Addon 'Soda Mod' (108426222)
Mounting Addon 'Weight STool' (104480013)
Mounting Addon 'Black Mesa Driveable Vehicles' (137760037)
Mounting Addon 'Aimbot Gun' (129637512)
Mounting Addon 'Automatic Turret STool' (131970899)
Mounting Addon 'Ammo Crates' (134672279)
Mounting Addon 'Colorable l4d Driveable Vehicles' (104641183)
Mounting Addon 'Context Menu Model Manipulator' (118050947)
Mounting Addon 'Emplacement Gun' (104605598)
Mounting Addon 'Fancy Functional Clock' (107554072)
Mounting Addon 'Flipoff' (112278083)
Mounting Addon 'HL2 vehicles with guns' (104503988)
Mounting Addon 'NPC Spawn Platforms v2.1' (107821465)
Mounting Addon 'RT Camera' (106944414)
Mounting Addon 'Unbreakable Tool' (111158387)
Mounting Addon 'Precision 0.97' (104482086)
Mounting Addon 'Keypad Tool + Cracker' (108424005)
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\advanced dup
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\Extra Custom
izable Weaponry'
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\Sprops'
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\uwsvn'
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\wire'
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_portal
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_player
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_weapon
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_weapon
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_music
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_escap
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_apertur
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_energy_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_turret_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_rocket_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_glados_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_strider
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_turret_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_soldier
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_roller_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_combine
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_citizen
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_citizen
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_zombine
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_dog_epi
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_antlion
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_advisor
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_c1
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_to
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_bu
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_music
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_voices_episo
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_after
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_outla
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_c17_0
Unknown command "sv_defaultgamemode"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'pac3/core/shared/expression2.lua' (@lua/autorun/pa
c_init.lua (line 8))
:: Physical bullets by Xera (improved by Hell2000)

||               PlayX              ||
||  Version 2.7.5                   ||
||  Updated on 07-03-2013           ||
||  Last Patch by Nexus [BR]        ||

Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\glon.lua' (File not found) (<nowhere>)
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'camera', to enable run 'wire_expression2_extensi
on_enable camera'
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'holoanim', to enable run 'wire_expression2_exten
sion_enable holoanim'
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'light', to enable run 'wire_expression2_extensio
n_enable light'
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'tracesystem', to enable run 'wire_expression2_ex
tension_enable tracesystem'
[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/tooltracer/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_italy.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_italy' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_dust.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_dust' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_aztec.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_aztec' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_cbble.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_cbble' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_office.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_office' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_chateau.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_chateau' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_dust2.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_dust2' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_piranesi.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_piranesi' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_havana.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_havana' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_prodigy.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_prodigy' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_compound.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_compound' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_train.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_train' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_tides.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_tides' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_port.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_port' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_inferno.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_inferno' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_assault.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_assault' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_nuke.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_nuke' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_militia.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_militia' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
Nav File is wrong or something (1)
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Logging into anonymous gameserver account.
Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
Unknown command "sbox_plpldamage"
Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_turret"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_explosive"
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:2441061379(3448)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
ulx help
Unknown command "ulx"

Nowhere does it say that it loaded ULib or ULX. I try to run a command for ULX at the end but it says Unknown command. Any help is greatly appreciated.

[EDIT-JamminR]-Placed console output in bb code tag for cleaner posts
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 07:28:31 PM by JamminR »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 05:04:40 PM »
Did you quit the server and start it up? Addons are only detected on boot. Then try running "path" in console.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Robert7301201

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  • Posts: 4
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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 06:14:40 PM »
Yes I quit the server then started it again. How do I run "path" in console?

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 06:24:10 AM »
Yes I quit the server then started it again. How do I run "path" in console?

Type "path", then press enter. Then share the results here.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Robert7301201

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2013, 08:06:29 AM »
Typed in path:

66.2 fps  0/24 on map     gm_flatgrass
Console initialized.
ConVarRef mat_dxlevel doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Game.dll loaded for "Garry's Mod"
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Logging into anonymous gameserver account.
Fetching Workshop Addons..
Calling GetCollectionDetails
Collection has 57 Addons
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1491813379(3449)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
Mounting Addon 'Bang You're Dead W/ icon' (122279631)
Mounting Addon 'Battlefield 3 SCars' (133000698)
Mounting Addon 'Better Water Effects' (107901100)
Mounting Addon 'Buoyancy Tool' (104818321)
Mounting Addon 'Cannon Tool!' (121710536)
Mounting Addon 'CS:Source Driveable Vehicles' (104651870)
Mounting Addon 'Customizable Weaponry' (143193342)
Mounting Addon 'Door STool' (104479467)
Mounting Addon 'City Build' (144012680)
Mounting Addon 'GB-Radial menu V2.0' (111469042)
Mounting Addon 'Gesture Menu & Commands Version 2.4' (145939873)
Mounting Addon 'Hit Numbers' (110871780)
Mounting Addon 'Battlefield 2 SCars' (138029970)
Mounting Addon 'Easy Animation Tool' (104604709)
Mounting Addon 'Fading Doors' (105115318)
Mounting Addon 'Nightvision mod' (138163375)
Mounting Addon 'Nyan Gun' (123277559)
Mounting Addon 'PAC3' (104691717)
Mounting Addon 'Physical Bullets' (120193884)
Mounting Addon 'PlayX 2.7.5' (106516163)
Mounting Addon 'Playable Piano' (104548572)
Mounting Addon 'Meteor Shower' (138376105)
Mounting Addon 'Player C-Leaning' (143907278)
Mounting Addon 'Player Pull Up' (141307227)
Mounting Addon 'Player Rappeling' (144580094)
Mounting Addon 'Player Water Floating' (140862408)
Mounting Addon 'Portable Earthquake' (137175121)
Mounting Addon 'Portal 1 and 2 Turrets' (123279188)
Mounting Addon 'Minecraft Hostile Mobs' (144566644)
Mounting Addon 'Minecraft SWEP' (116592647)
Mounting Addon 'Minecraft Sword SWEP' (136555165)
Mounting Addon 'More NPC Weapons' (127291147)
Mounting Addon 'Piratecat's Minecraft Friendly Mob SNPC' (132665184)
Mounting Addon 'Resizer' (116892991)
Mounting Addon 'SCars Basic' (104487316)
Aborting HTTP request because we received a response with a content-length over
64M and we are not streamingDownload Failed!
Mounting Addon 'SCars Extra' (104492363)
Mounting Addon 'SCars Slim' (104483020)
Mounting Addon 'Sad Violin Death Sound' (138064846)
Mounting Addon 'SligWolf`s GoKart' (105150660)
Mounting Addon 'Soda Mod' (108426222)
Mounting Addon 'Weight STool' (104480013)
Mounting Addon 'Black Mesa Driveable Vehicles' (137760037)
Mounting Addon 'Aimbot Gun' (129637512)
Mounting Addon 'Automatic Turret STool' (131970899)
Mounting Addon 'Ammo Crates' (134672279)
Mounting Addon 'Colorable l4d Driveable Vehicles' (104641183)
Mounting Addon 'Context Menu Model Manipulator' (118050947)
Mounting Addon 'Emplacement Gun' (104605598)
Mounting Addon 'Fancy Functional Clock' (107554072)
Mounting Addon 'Flipoff' (112278083)
Mounting Addon 'HL2 vehicles with guns' (104503988)
Mounting Addon 'NPC Spawn Platforms v2.1' (107821465)
Mounting Addon 'RT Camera' (106944414)
Mounting Addon 'Unbreakable Tool' (111158387)
Mounting Addon 'Precision 0.97' (104482086)
Mounting Addon 'Keypad Tool + Cracker' (108424005)
Mounting Addon 'Smart Weld v4.1 Official' (131586620)
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\advanced dup
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\Extra Custom
izable Weaponry'
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\Sprops'
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\uwsvn'
Adding Filesystem Addon 'c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\wire'
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_portal
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_player
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_weapon
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/game_sounds_weapon
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_music
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_escap
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_apertur
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_energy_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_turret_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_rocket_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_glados_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_strider
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_turret_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_soldier
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_roller_
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_combine
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_citizen
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_citizen
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_zombine
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_dog_epi
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_antlion
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_advisor
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_c1
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_to
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_bu
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_music
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_voices_episo
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_after
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_outla
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_c17_0
Unknown command "sv_defaultgamemode"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'pac3/core/shared/expression2.lua' (@lua/autorun/pa
c_init.lua (line 8))
:: Physical bullets by Xera (improved by Hell2000)

||               PlayX              ||
||  Version 2.7.5                   ||
||  Updated on 07-03-2013           ||
||  Last Patch by Nexus

Couldn't include file 'includes\modules\glon.lua' (File not found) (<nowhere>)
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'camera', to enable run 'wire_expression2_extensi
on_enable camera'
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'holoanim', to enable run 'wire_expression2_exten
sion_enable holoanim'
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'light', to enable run 'wire_expression2_extensio
n_enable light'
Skipping disabled E2 extension 'tracesystem', to enable run 'wire_expression2_ex
tension_enable tracesystem'
[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn't find 'effects/tooltracer/init.lua' (<nowhere>)
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Unknown command "sv_tags"
Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_italy.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_italy' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_dust.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_dust' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_aztec.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_aztec' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_cbble.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_cbble' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_office.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_office' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_chateau.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_chateau' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_dust2.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_dust2' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_piranesi.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_piranesi' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_havana.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_havana' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_prodigy.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_prodigy' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_compound.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_compound' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_train.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_train' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_tides.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_tides' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_port.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_port' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_inferno.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_inferno' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_assault.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_assault' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/de_nuke.bsp'
Invalid map 'de_nuke' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/cs_militia.bsp'
Invalid map 'cs_militia' included in map cycle file. Ignored.
Nav File is wrong or something (1)
Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
Logging into anonymous gameserver account.
Unknown command "sbox_allownpcs"
Unknown command "sbox_plpldamage"
Unknown command "sbox_playergod"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_turret"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive"
Unknown command "sbox_maxwire_explosive"
Connection to Steam servers successful.
   Public IP is
Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1493123074(3449)].
VAC secure mode is activated.
"maps\gm_flatgrass.bsp" "GAME" (map)
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\tf\" "tf"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\cstrike\" "cstrike"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\" "garrysmod"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\hl2\" "hl2"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\bin\" "EXECUTABLE_PATH"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\" "MOD"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\bin\" "GAMEBIN"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\hl2\bin\" "GAMEBIN"
"c:\gmod13server\hl2\bin\" "GAMEBIN"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\" "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\hl2\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\hl2\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\cstrike\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\tf\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\advanced duplicator\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\extra customizable weaponry\" "GAME"

"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\sprops\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\uwsvn\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\wire\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\downloads\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\fallbacks\" "GAME"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\data\" "DATA"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\" "LOGDIR"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\advanced duplicator\lua\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\extra customizable weaponry\lua\" "l
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\sprops\lua\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\uwsvn\lua\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\addons\wire\lua\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\lua\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\gamemodes\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\gamemodes\base\entities\" "lsv"
"c:\gmod13server\orangebox\garrysmod\gamemodes\sandbox\entities\" "lsv"

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2013, 09:10:33 AM »
Garrysmod isn't recognizing ULX or ULib as valid addons. You should check Facepunch to see if anyone else has reported this problem or if Garry has a workaround in the mean time. I tried to check for you, but Facepunch is down.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Robert7301201

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 12:34:34 PM »
Got it! I decided to try to update my server using SteamCMD which I used to make my server in first place. After I couldn't get it to work I tried HLDSUpdate Tool. After updating with HLDSUpdate Tool and running the server the ULX and Ulib loaded. I ran ULX help just to make sure and it gave me list of commands. Everything is working properly. Thanks for all the help!

Offline Zotero

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2013, 04:23:13 AM »
You shouldn't be using HLDS...
Sooner or later it will just stop working entirely. I suggest you make the transition to steampipe ASAP.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: Console does not respond to ULX and ULIB
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2013, 06:04:35 AM »
I've confirmed that ULX and ULib are working fine on Windows Steam Pipe. If it's not working for you, you'll need to take it up with Garry as it is out of our control.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.