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ULX 3.01, ULib 2.02


After a flurry of bug fixes, (40+ reported! Thanks for your support!) we're proud to announce what may just be our most bug free release to date. There are a few additions, mainly to add and manipulate user access, but nothing major.

ULX Changelog:

--- Quote ---v3.01 - *(01/07/07)*
   * [ADD] ulx whip
   * [ADD] ulx adduser
   * [ADD] ulx userallow - Allow users access to commands
   * [ADD] ulx userdeny - Deny users access to commands
   * [ADD] ulx bring - Bring a user to you
   * [ADD] ulx goto - Goto a user
   * [ADD] ulx teleport - Teleport to where you're looking
   * [ADD] IRC-style "/me" command
   * [FIX] You can't use the adminmenu outside sandbox now
   * [FIX] Vastly improved "ulx jail"
   * [FIX] Improved "ulx ragdoll"
   * [FIX] pvp damage checkbox in adminmenu not working.
   * [FIX] Ban button
   * [FIX] Ban not kicking users
   * [FIX] Blinded users being able to see through the camera tool
   * [FIX] Admin menu not showing values on a dedicated server
   * [FIX] Admin menu checkboxes (which are now buttons!)
   * [FIX] Ulx commands much more usable from dedicated server console.
   * [FIX] Dedicated server spam (IsListenServerHost)
   * [FIX] Uncloak works properly now
   * [FIX] Various problems using commands on users in vehicles. (Thanks Jalit)
--- End quote ---

I'd like to give a big thanks to spbogie, for his many man-hours spent coding for this version, and Jalit who convinced me to add those teleport commands. ;)

As always, you can download these at our homepage at

OMG THANK YOU! I've been waiting for this! :D :D :D I think I love you...

Hey, i did what it said, extracted the files to my garrysmod folder, but i read in the readme, and it says theres a Ulib file in the data folder, but i see no file, is it supposed to be like this?


--- Quote from: EscudoDenali on January 07, 2007, 10:36:12 PM ---Hey, i did what it said, extracted the files to my garrysmod folder, but i read in the readme, and it says theres a Ulib file in the data folder, but i see no file, is it supposed to be like this?

--- End quote ---
Duh, nevermind, i was so excited, i forgot to install Ulib, sorry bout that XD


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