Author Topic: Ban History  (Read 2370 times)

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Ban History
« on: July 21, 2013, 08:15:57 AM »
One thing that I think would be helpful is if a ban history file was created. This would function look much like the bans.txt file except it would act more as a ban log. For instance If someone is banned twice at different times, it would have the two different times they were banned in the file. There could also be something in the xgui where you could enter their steam id and see how many times that steam id was banned and all of the reliant information related to those bans. This would be useful for when players get banned for a day or so then change their name so nobody recognizes them when they come back. Having this feature would also be good if something happened to your bans.txt file, since bans would also be loged in a different file, you would still be able to see if someone had been banned before.