Author Topic: Half of ban list gone after different version installed.  (Read 12143 times)

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Re: Half of ban list gone after different version installed.
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2013, 09:25:06 PM »
Also, are you saying that an updated version of ulx from the svn would fix my problem with the bans, or are you saying that I need to start over with a new version and scrap my old bans.txt file?

I'm saying always use latest code, because old code got broke after a Gmod update (totally beyond our control at the time)
As for you 'having no addons that affect bans' has nothing to do with the fact you might have addons that affect writing files properly or adjusting/overwriting other functions ULX uses. (Fadmin is a perfect example of this, we recommend people use the latest of it because earlier versions were much worse about conflicts (and actually, we still often recommend using either Fadmin or ULX, not both)
I'm saying that, since your bans file was considered broken before you tried doing anything, there's a possibility you've lost it, yes.
Something corrupted it, whether it be due to your download/re-upload, or a bad zig when it should have zagged during a save, or Gmod not writing it properly, or someone with an odd character in their name.

As for your SVN troubles, if your using the zip file as I suggested from the github site. https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/archive/master.zip - there are no .svn folders in it. at least that i can see, and I have show hidden files turned on. It contains files from every project we write, but, you'd only need to upload the ulib and ulx folders to your server.
There are only one or two github related files, and they should have no issue with them (a readme.md, and a file called .gtignore.
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Offline xboxedd

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Re: Half of ban list gone after different version installed.
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2013, 08:00:59 AM »
I'm saying always use latest code, because old code got broke after a Gmod update (totally beyond our control at the time)
And I'm saying I can't use the latest code because it causes the errors I posted...

As for you 'having no addons that affect bans' has nothing to do with the fact you might have addons that affect writing files properly or adjusting/overwriting other functions ULX uses. .... As for your SVN troubles, if your using the zip file as I suggested from the github site. https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses/archive/master.zip - there are no .svn folders in it. at least that i can see, and I have show hidden files turned on. It contains files from every project we write, but, you'd only need to upload the ulib and ulx folders to your server.
There are only one or two github related files, and they should have no issue with them (a readme.md, and a file called .gtignore.
Ok. So I temporarily removed all of my addons and installed the latest version of ulx (i just used the ulib and ulx folders). It still creates those errors I posted. The version of ulx that you gave me the link to in your last post. The version you said "works". Well I think I have made it obvious that the latest version causes errors for me and that it does not work. I think that it is annoying that your saying that it works when (for the third time now) I have found that it does not work.

I'm saying that, since your bans file was considered broken before you tried doing anything, there's a possibility you've lost it, yes.
Something corrupted it, whether it be due to your download/re-upload, or a bad zig when it should have zagged during a save, or Gmod not writing it properly, or someone with an odd character in their name.
So do you think i should just delete my bans.txt folder and my backups and allow a bran new bans.txt folder to be made? To be honest I wouldn't mind doing it that much. This thread has tacken so long that at least 1/4 of those temporary bans would be over by now and they were temporary bans after all...

Offline JamminR

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Re: Half of ban list gone after different version installed.
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2013, 08:25:59 AM »
Never said it worked for you.
I said it works for the majority of people... and I know it works for many here who have TTT servers, because we see questions/modules written for it here.
This leads me to believe you have a problem with something on your server.
As our latest fixes a nasty file reading/writing bug Garry introduced, I recommend you get it and work with us to troubleshoot the error you get before installing/using other gamemodes.
Are you sure you have the latest TTT server code? How are you updating Gmod? I've read that hlupdate doesn't work anymore, something called steampipe is needed.
You mention several times that you can't upload svn to your host... Do you mean just ULX, or do you mean for all addons? Because if you mean all, then you probably have older addons.
How do you upload files to your server? Your host control panel? Or what ftp program? Configuration of whatever program you're using can affect the way files are transferred.

For now, yes, I'd recommend moving on from the corrupt bans file.

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Offline xboxedd

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Re: Half of ban list gone after different version installed.
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2013, 08:41:59 AM »
Idk. This is the only time i've had a problem like this for version 3.60. Everything else works fine.

As our latest fixes a nasty file reading/writing bug Garry introduced, I recommend you get it and work with us to troubleshoot the error you get before installing/using other gamemodes.
I have no idea what that file is... Remember that I'm using 3.60 (i changed it back after the newer version was causing errors). I got the newer version from that link you sent me.

Are you sure you have the latest TTT server code? How are you updating Gmod?
Yes. I am updating my server by clicking on a "Steam Update" button in my control panel. It uses steampipe.

You mention several times that you can't upload svn to your host... Do you mean just ULX, or do you mean for all addons?
I don't know. ulx and ulib are the only svn versions of something that I've tried to upload. I don't really get anything for my server from svn. You can see the error I got here http://i.imgur.com/bmZc7k5.jpg as I posted before.

How do you upload files to your server? Your host control panel? Or what ftp program? Configuration of whatever program you're using can affect the way files are transferred.
My host is vilayer. I use their ACP control panel. To upload files, I go to the folder I want to upload the files to, click on the upload button, select the files I want to upload in a little popup window, then press the upload button in that popup window.