Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Force client's microphone on!
Assuming you live in the United States (and even if you don't I assume your country has something similar):
Unless you specifically notify the player that their voice communication is being monitored you are stepping into the realm of 4th Amendment violation. (Protection againt unlawful search and seizure)
This has extended into unknowing/unwilling video/audio capture of people in their personal homes.
I know it's just a video game, but that doesn't take away from any of this.
I just don't think that you are allowed to capture a player's microphone without their knowledge. It is illegal.
To make this alright, you would need to add some kind of disclaimer that the user would have to accept that clearly states that you would be capturing their sound even when they were not knowingly broadcasting.
I'm going to agree with Mr President on this one. Create a join hook that gives a message to the players along the lines of "Notice: By joining this server, you consent to having your microphone monitored". If you don't want to do this yourself, I can edit it for you to add it.
--- Quote from: Megiddo on July 27, 2013, 03:28:08 PM ---I'm going to agree with Mr President on this one. Create a join hook that gives a message to the players along the lines of "Notice: By joining this server, you consent to having your microphone monitored". If you don't want to do this yourself, I can edit it for you to add it.
--- End quote ---
Regardless of him wanting it or not, for my own use I'd appreciate it if you could point me on the right direction towards doing this. Cheers.
--- Quote from: jackg904 on July 27, 2013, 09:00:19 PM ---Regardless of him wanting it or not, for my own use I'd appreciate it if you could point me on the right direction towards doing this. Cheers.
--- End quote ---
This is how I would do it...
--- Code: ---hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "some_unique_name", function(ply)
ply:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Notice: By joining this server, you consent to having your microphone monitored!" )
ply:ChatPrint( "Notice: By joining this server, you consent to having your microphone monitored!" )
timer.Create( "UniqueName", 60, 0, function() for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:ChatPrint("Notice: Your microphone may be monitored at any time.") end end )
--- End code ---
That way they get a notification when they first join and then every minute after that, so they do not forget. (This is non intrusive.)
Bite That Apple:
Now every server can be just like the NSA :-\
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